Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 26 - Bathroom Cleaning as Cardio

DAY 26/90
Phase 1, Week 4, Routine 5
Yoga X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 292.6 lbs - Loss 9 - %Loss 2.98%


Had a good yoga session today. Best one yet. Spent most of the day cleaning my place (didn't know cleaning the toilet could actually qualify as cardio!), so instead of my usual walk, I attempted a series of Kenpo X after yoga instead. Needless to say, I was totally spent by then. Overall, trained well today. Diet was also clean, again I didn't eat six meals. I need to work on this.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 25 - Stretch and Rest

DAY 25/90
Phase 1, Week 4, Routine 4
Stretch X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 292.6 lbs - Loss 9 - %Loss 2.98%


Good "rest" day today. Performed a very intense stretching session (felt great!) and decided only to walk the beach for over an hour in order to let my right knee heal a little.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 24 - Dropped 2 Pounds!!!

DAY 24/90
Phase 1, Week 4, Routine 3
Kenpo X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 292 lbs - Loss 9.6 - %Loss 3.18%


I lost two pounds! Wow! I couldn't believe the scale this morning. It seems like that smoothie really worked!

Training was a little scaled back. Originally had planned to train the Prowler with Rob, but he came down with a cold and we were both still reeling from the previous workout. Instead we ran/walked on the beach for an hour. Afterwards, I did the complete Kenpo X workout. It went well, but I held back a little due to sharp pains in my right knee. This seems due to growing pains as my body adapts to exercise.

Diet was again clean, but the quantity of food I'm eating seems excessively low. I barely got 2000 calories today.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 23 - Great Fat-Burning Smoothie

DAY 23/90
Phase 1, Week 4, Routine 2
Core Synergistics
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 294 lbs - Loss 7.6 - %Loss 2.52%


I was exhausted today...I didn't sleep very well and the stone lifting yesterday did a number on me and it showed in my workouts. This week is supposed to be a de-train week, but the Core Synergistics workout was anything but easy. This is a hardcore workout that focuses on core training and is unlike anything I've ever seen before.

By the time I was done, I barely had enough to run/walk on the beach, but I went ahead with it anyway. I have to be honest, though, I did more walking than running.

One the diet front, my buddy Rob turned me on to a great fat-burning drink. Here's the recipe:

8 oz Organic Goat's Milk Kefir
1 Tbsp Carlson Lemon-flavored Fish Oil
2 Tbsp Organic Ground Flaxseed Meal
1 Tbsp Raw Organic Honey
A few dashes of Cinnamon

All of these ingredients have known fat-burning properties (except for, maybe, the honey) and is very, very good for you! Cheers!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 22 - Yoga and Stones - An Odd Couple

DAY 22/90
Phase 2, Week 4, Routine 1
Yoga X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 294.2 lbs - Loss 7.4 - %Loss 2.45%


Wow! I'm finally under 295! I can't believe it! I really tightened up my diet yesterday, eating six square meals and cutting carbs a little more. I think this was the missing piece; I was not eating often enough and still eating way too many carbs. I can't wait to see what the scale has to say tomorrow!

Training was fantastic as well. I went further into the Yoga X routine than I ever have before. I attempted poses that I thought I couldn't do. And, you what? I kicked ASS!!! I was drenched in sweat when it was all over. I was always one of those macho guys who thought yoga was for sissies, but I have a newfound respect for yoga. It makes me feel relaxed, limber, and all-around fantastic when I'm done. It's definitely one more weapon I will keep in my arsenal from now on.

If that wasn't enough, I also had another Strongman training session with my friend and workout buddy, Rob. We tackled the Prowler once again (THE PROWLER WILL BEAT YOU DOWN!!!), and lifted stones. I can't complain about my efforts today, and this is actually supposed to be a de-train recovery week! No rest for the weary!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 3 In Review - Week 4 Goals

I'm not pleased with the way Week# 3 turned out. For starters, I hardly lost any weight and the measuring tape didn't move an iota. But just as bad is the fact I only met two of the six goals I had set for myself for the week. See below:

Week 3 Goals:

1) I will weigh 292 lbs by 1/26/09.
2) I will run/walk every day for 1 hour.
3) I will eat 6 meals a day everyday.
4) I will drink 20 oz of chilled water upon waking everyday.
5) I will complete an hour's worth of Yoga X and Plyometrics.
6) I will complete the Legs & Back workout in full.

Only goals #2 and #4 were met.

I also feel that I may not be bringing the intensity and focus necessary. The lack of focus is due mostly to poor planning, but the lack of intensity is really bothersome. Overall, I feel like I'm going through the motions and not pushing myself as hard as I could. This has to change.

Week#4 is something of a recovery week that focuses more on cardiovascular fitness, core strength, balance, and flexibility. This is meant to be a break from heavy resistance training. So, without further adieu, here are the goals for week# 4:

Week 4 Goals:

1) I will weigh 292 lbs by 2/2/09.
2) I will run/walk every day for 1 hour. I will try to jog for at least 5 minutes w/o pause.
3) I will eat 6 meals a day everyday spaced apart by at lest 2 hours.
4) I will drink 20 oz of chilled water upon waking everyday.
5) I will complete all Moving Asanas (or a modification thereof) for Yoga X.
6) I will eat fewer than 100 grams of carbs everyday.

Day 21 - Kenpo X, Again

DAY 21/90
Phase 1, Week 3, Routine 7
Kenpo X (in place of Stretch X)
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 295.6 lbs - Loss 6 - %Loss 2%


Today I chose to repeat the Kenpo X workout instead of just stretching. I figured I could use the extra cardio.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 20 - "The Prowler Will Beat You Down!!!"

DAY 20/90
Phase 1, Week 3, Routine 6
Kenpo X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 294.8 lbs - Loss 6.8 - %Loss 2.25%

Wow, had an amazing Strongman training session with my friend, Rob, today. We tackled The Prowler and, like Rob said, "THE PROWLER WILL BEAT YOU DOWN!!!" Sled dragging will develop the hips, legs, and conditioning like nothing else. It's a sled that can be pushed and pulled in many ways:

Here's Big Rob pushing the sled through the parking lot:

And the aftermath says it all:

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 19 - Hum-drum Training Today

DAY 19/90
Phase 1, Week 3, Routine 5
Legs & Back
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 295.2 lbs - Loss 6.4 - %Loss 2.12%


Weight still stuck. If body measurements don't go down this week, it will be a clear indication that something's wrong. I'm beginning to think about what changes I should make.

Training was a little lackluster today. Had a good run on the beach, but waited until very late in the evening to train legs. I kept putting it off until I was good and sleepy and in no mood to train. I just went through the motions. I wasn't pleased.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 18 - Warrior Pose Mastered!

DAY 18/90
Phase 1, Week 3, Routine 4
Yoga X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 294.8 lbs - Loss 6.8 - %Loss 2.25%


Yay! I'm under 295! About time!

I think my body was just resisting weight loss. I'm sure the weight will start to drop now. I actually feel thinner and more fit. I don't have that sluggish, bloated feeling I used to have.

Another good bit of news is that I mastered the Warrior Pose in Yoga today! Man, Yoga is WHERE IT'S AT!!! Fifteen minutes of yoga leaves me sweating profusely. It also helps me feel more limber and coordinated. I want to master the yoga workout! I can't wait until I'm doing some of the crazy poses!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 17 - Serious "Bonking"

DAY 17/90
Phase 1, Week 3, Routine 3
Shoulders & Arms
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 295 lbs - Loss 6.6 - %Loss 2.2%


Once again, I have lost that miserable pound. I wasn't even excited about it this morning because I'm sure I'll regain it tomorrow. I spent the day investigating if I'm eating too few or too many calories. I even went to the forums in search of help/advice. Here's the post I made:

{Here are my stats:

BMI = 35
BF% = 34.7% (Obese Class 2)
Wasit/Hip Ratio = 1.11 (High Risk)
Height = 6'2"
Weight = 296.2 lbs

My weight has been stuck at exactly 296.2 pounds for over a week now without fluctuating. I even checked the scale to be sure it was still working properly.

I count my calories religiously and weigh and measure everything I eat.

I consume 2700 kcals per day which I thought was very low.

Based on the Harris Benedict Formula, my BMR = 2620 kcals. The formula predicts that if I were sedentary I should consume:

2620 x 1.2 = 3100 kcals and, if I were moderately active, 2620 x 1.55 = 4000 kcals.

It defines moderately active as doing moderate exercise 3-5 days/week. I actually train 6 days a week and do cardio 7 days a week which I wouldn't describe as "moderate."

I know the HB Formula overestimates calories for the overweight, which is why I based my daily cals on the "sedentary" recommendation and subtracted 400 calories from that.

So what gives? Why is my weight not going down? I've been told that I could be putting on muscle, but I think someone as big as myself should be experiencing a net loss of weight (I should be losing fat faster than gaining muscle).

I feel great and healthier than I ever did before. But the scale (and the measuring tape) seem not to be moving much and it's frustrating the heck out of me. I think if I don't hit my goal weight this week, I'll cut calories down further.

Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.}

Most of the replies were along the lines of, "Hey dude, you're not eating enough. You've slowed your metabolism to crap."

I've thought about this and I believe that it's too soon to halt the metabolism like that. I mean, I'm only 2 1/2 weeks into this diet. I believe it takes a little longer for the metabolism to slow, especially after shocking a body unused to diet and exercise.

Well, regarding today's training and diet, things went well except for seriously "bonking" after today's workout. I felt so tired and light-headed that I had to lay on the floor for 15 minutes afterward before mustering the strength to get up in order to get some food/energy in me.

I even tried doing the Carido X workout (in place of my nightly run/walk on the beach due to "frigid" 50 degree weather in South Florida :0) but I couldn't even get past the first minute; I was spent, tired, worn-out. I called it quits right there. In fact, it's been a few hours since as I write this, and I still feel light-headed!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 16 - Pound Regained!

DAY 16/90
Phase 1, Week 3, Routine 2
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296.2 lbs - Loss 5.4 - %Loss 1.8%


Regained the pound I lost yesterday. I'm back again to 296.2. I've decided to closely monitor my diet for the rest of the week. If I don't meet my goal weight of 292 by Monday morning, I will reduce my food intake by 200 calories to 2500 kcals.

Today training went very well. I was hesitant to start my plyometrics workout (because it's tough!!), but once I did, it went well. I also ran/walked for an hour on the beach again tonight.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 15 - Lost a Pound!

DAY 15/90
Phase 1, Week 3, Routine 1
Chest & Back
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 295 lbs - Loss 6.6 - %Loss 2.2%


Finally! I lost a pound! I couldn't believe the scale this morning; after a week of seeing the scale stay frozen like a popsicle, it finally dropped by a little over a pound. The effect this little pound had on my motivation was enormous.

Had a phenomenal workout today. I can feel my body adapting to exercise now. The movements felt natural and strong. I also moved up to the red resistance bands on all back exercises.

I've posted my goals for this week. I really hope that an increase in cardio will help me burn another 3 pounds this week. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Week 3 Goals

Week 3 Goals:

1) I will weigh 292 lbs by 1/26/09.

2) I will run/walk every day for 1 hour.

3) I will eat 6 meals a day everyday.

4) I will drink 20 oz of chilled water upon waking everyday.

5) I will complete an hour's worth of Yoga X and Plyometrics.

6) I will complete the Legs & Back workout in full.

Day 14 - Stretch and Jog

DAY 14/90
Phase 1, Week 2, Routine 7
Stretch X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296.2 lbs - Loss 5.4 - %Loss 1.8%


Again weight has not budged. Had a nice jog on the beach and a good stretch workout. Experienced lower back pain on my right side possibly aggravated by lifting stones yesterday.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 13 - Stones on the Beach!

DAY 13/90
Phase 1, Week 2, Routine 6
Kenpo X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296.2 lbs - Loss 5.4 - %Loss 1.8%


Incredibly enough, yet another day where the scale hasn't budged an ounce. I've never seen this happen before. Bodyweight is supposed to fluctuate naturally by as much as 3 pounds every day. I'm beginning to wonder if there's something wrong with my scale.

Training went very well. I lifted strongman stones on the beach with my friend, Robert in the afternoon, and did Kenpo X in the evening. The stones were awesome! I especially liked the way tourists would stop and stare at these two big dudes lifting a heavy-ass stone for reps right on the sand! Strongman training is where it's at!

Kenpo X kicked my butt. It's all cardio and lots of fun. I was so tired that I had to stop training with about 10 minutes left to go.

Also noticed that my pants fit a little looser today. A good sign?

Day 12 - Legs & Back

DAY 12/90
Phase 1, Week 2, Routine 5
Legs & Back
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296.2 lbs - Loss 5.4 - %Loss 1.8%


Diet was was OK today. I say, "OK", because I waited until after midnight to train (kept putting it off) and I got tired and lost focus midway through the workout. No surprise, right?

I trained legs and back but didn't meet my goal of doing the workout in full. I did manage to do about two or three more exercises than I did last week, which was a big plus.

Yet another day where I haven't lost an ounce. I can't figure this out. I investigated - again - what my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is. It's roughly 2620 calories and I multiplied this by a factor representing a "sedentary" lifestyle hoping to find the lower end of the caloric spectrum where I should be in order to lose weight. From this number, 3140, I subtracted 500 to get 2640 calories. This is very close to the 2700 calories I eat every day. What's more, though I'm sitting down most of the day, the intensity of my workouts may not qualify me as leading a "sedentary" lifestyle. So, in short, I'm eating what I should be eating to lose fat and, yet, it doesn't seem to be happening. What gives?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 11 - Jog. Don't Walk.

DAY 11/90
Phase 1, Week 2, Routine 4
Yoga X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296.2 lbs - Loss 5 - %Loss 1.7%


Weight is still hovering around 296. This is frustrating the heck out of me as I absolutely have to hit 293 this week to stay on track. I know I'm eating clean and have racheted up the training intensity, so I'm not going to make any major modifications until I review the week on Sunday. One minor modification I will make is to begin doing cardio everyday for the remainder of the week. I've begun jogging lightly on the beach as opposed to speed walking in the hopes that this will burn more calories.


I read somewhere that the key to staying motivated is to have "emotionally-charged" goals to strive towards; we are all spurred into action when our emotions are embroiled in our aspirations. I firmly believe this. It is critical if we are to achieve success. Yet motivation is a very fickle creature; inspiration is so short-lived with us. I mean, how often have we seen people committed to changing themselves or the world around them as a result of a few uplifting words? And yet, if you check in on them a few days or weeks later, there is nary a glimmer of the hope, excitement, or enthusiasm they once showed. They're back to their old ways - the comfortable lifestyle and conveniences they've known so long.

I know this all too well. Speaking from personal experience, the number of times I've told myself I'd begin a diet or exercise regimen only to quit midway through the week, are countless; my heart simply was not convinced and commitment subsequently faltered. Many of my more athletically-gifted friends couldn't undestand why I "wasted" nearly two months to begin this physical transformation. Their advice was always the same: "there's no better time than NOW to begin." They couldn't understand that I needed time to become sufficiently emotionally invested in my goals in order to build the necessary energy for a proper "lift-off" and enter an "orbit" of habit.

Yet our motivation is driven by our reasons behind our desire for change. More than developing a nice physique or improving my health, my personal reasons for transforming my body run much, much deeper than the depth of my skin. I seek personal growth through the self-discovery I hope to experience. Crippled by insecurities, I hope to develop enough confidence and self-esteem to begin enjoying life for a change. This is my "glorious struggle."

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 10 - Took up Jogging Today!

DAY 9/90
Phase 1, Week 2, Routine 3
Shoulders & Arms
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296.2 lbs - Loss 5.4 - %Loss 1.8%


Wow! Had some terrific training today! First, I took another stroll along the beach again today, but I decided to ratchet things up a notch by jogging slowly. I couldn't believe how well it went. Before jogging, I modified a shoe insert to help with the neuroma in my left foot and it worked great! I felt no pain afterwards.

I've decided I need to begin jogging in order to speed up the fat loss. Years ago I lost over 30 pounds in only two months by jogging daily. It works.

As for the P-90X program, I totally kicked butt today. I had an incredibly intense workout and gave it 110%. The exercise bands work amazingly well on shoulders and arms. My shoulders are still killing me!

Weight went in the right direction today. It dropped a little to 296.2. I'm still a little frustrated as I have to hit 293 by Sunday.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 9 - Weight Increasing Inexplicably

DAY 9/90
Phase 1, Week 2, Routine 2
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296.8 lbs - Loss 4.8 - %Loss 1.6%


I was a little disappointed today. For the second straight day, my bodyweight has gone up instead of down. From a low of 295.2 on Sunday, my weight has increased to 296.8 as of this morning. I know, I know - it's probably due to water-weight gain, but it's still frustrating as heck. My diet has been clean although, for the first time since I began, I've eaten at (or near) my max caloric quota. Today, I actually went over by about 200 calories as my spreadsheet wasn't summing over the right cells. This threw my total off and led me to overeat. Regardless, I'm still eating below maintenance levels for someone my size and the net effect should be consistent weight loss.

As for training, I successfuly completed the first two sequences of the Plyometrics workout. This was the goal I had set for myself last week. That is, until I pulled my hamstring on the first exercise. I'm glad to say that the workout went great!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 8 - I Totally "Brought it" Today!

DAY 8/90
Phase 1, Week 2, Routine 1
Chest & Back
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296 lbs - Loss 5.6 - %Loss 1.8%


The P-90X videos always begin by urging the viewer to "Bring It." And, I'm glad to say, today I did just that. I couldn't be more pleased with my performance! I stuck right with it and completed the entire workout and took one step towards meeting a goal to complete all resistance workouts in full this week in the process.

I did have to pause a few times, but overall the effort was intense. I was actually surprised that I could do a couple of the more difficult push-ups such as decline push-ups and divebombers.

I walked the beach again for an hour as a mild cardio workout. I had hoped to do laps in the pool, but it was still under repair and I thought twice about swimming in the ocean after reading about three Australian swimmers attacked by sharks this week!

I didn't forget to do my ab exercises nor my neck crunches. When I was finished, I was soaked in sweat and totally beat. I felt awesome!!

Day 7 - Week in Review

DAY 7/90
Phase 1, Week 1, Routine 7
Stretch X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 295.2 lbs - Loss 6.4 - %Loss 2.1%


Week 1 has come and passed. I stand now 7 days closer to my goal, but I feel like the strides taken put me much, much closer.
I know the weight loss is attributable to my untrained body adapting to diet and exercise - a certain "beginner's luck" - but the improvement in my mood and my overall well-being is significant and a testament to the power of clean, healthy living. The adage "Sound body, Sound mind" rings more true with me than ever before. I wonder, then, if leading a healthy lifestyle can do so much good, then why do we stray? Why do we so often revert back to a negative lifestyle?

Regardless, to review week 1:


Meal frequency and not eating my veggies were the weak points in my diet this week. By mid-week my daily routine got thrown for a loop and I had difficulty adjusting. I had trouble eating 6 meals a day. But, more incredibly, I had trouble consuming enough calories! If you look at my diet log you'll notice that I never once met my caloric quota of 2700 calories. More amazing is the fact I never went hungry!

I had, on average, a single serving of vegetables per day. I can do better.

Another weak point is that I have to eat more protein. Protein should constitute 50% of my total food intake right now.

Among the things I did right was, first and foremost, not cheating on my diet. I made sure to eat clean at all times. I also made sure to drink a gallon of water per day.


Training went well and allowed me to ease into exercise for the first week. Following are the primary training-related issues for week 1:

1. Too easy. Training was a little too easy. I have to up the intensity for week 2.

2. Procrastination. I would often wait until very late in the evening to train. By then, I was already tired and in little mood for exercise. I will begin my workouts no later than 7pm.

3. Incomplete training. I forgot to train abs and neck all week. I must stick exactly to the training plan I have set for myself.

4. Cardio. I need to establish a solid cardio plan. The walks on the beach I took last week were fine, but it's time to up the intensity. I will begin swimming laps next week. If the pool isn't already fixed, I'll swim in the ocean instead.


I lost 6.4 pounds in one week. Enough said.


My motivation levels are still high, but I seem to be operating on "auto-pilot." It's probably because I've planned and thought about this for so long that it's all very deeply ingrained now. I simply know that I will succeed and that I will stick to my plans and meet my goals. Perhaps that is why I don't feel the need to get myself pumped up all the time. However, I do want to be more focused next week. I want training and diet to be more synergistic and whole.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 6

DAY 6/90
Phase 1, Week 1, Routine 6
Kenpo X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296 lbs - Loss 5.6 - %Loss 1.8%


Did half of the Kenpo X routine today. However, I did it very late in the evening. I've noticed that I've begun procrastinating on my workouts after my normal routine was disrupted this week.

My diet was clean and well within my daily max, but I haven't eaten with the frequency I desire nor the number of meals I need to eat.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 5 - Five Pounds on Day 5!

DAY 5/90
Phase 1, Week 1, Routine 5
Legs & Back
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296.6 lbs - Loss 5 - %Loss 1.6%


I've lost 5 pounds in 5 days! That says it all as far as I'm concerned. I am proud of myself.

As for training, I did another walk on the beach for over an hour and, this time, it seemed to affect my foot. The neuroma in my left foot began to hurt as soon as I got home. Yet, I went straight into the Legs & Back routine and it went exceptionally well. I met my goal of doing 1/2 the workout and managed to break a pretty good sweat in the process.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 4 - Walk on the Beach

DAY 4/90
Phase 1, Week 1, Routine 4
Yoga X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 297 lbs - Loss 4.6 - %Loss 1.5%


Weight loss was steady once again. I lost another pound making a three-day total of 4.6 pounds! I'm ecstatic about this.

Walked on the beach for 1.5 hours for a little cardio. It went well and my neuroma held up well.

I waited too long to get around to my Yoga workout; I simply dreaded it. The poses are very difficult and I was concerned I may not be able to do them. My concerns were rightly grounded as I had trouble on the second pose: Runner's Pose.

I've decided to take a quality over quantity approach with the Yoga workout. I will focus on mastering one pose before moving onto the next. Next week, I'll work on the Runner's Pose until I master it.

Day 3 - Clean Livin'

DAY 3/90
Phase 1, Week 1, Routine 3
Arms & Shoulders
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 298.6 lbs - Loss 3 - %Loss .99%


Met my goal of doing at least half of the workout today. I later went outside in order to do laps in my building's pool and - wouldn't you know it? - the pool was being serviced. My right hamstring was still hurt too bad to substitute the Cardio X workout. I may do some cardio tomorrow instead.

Diet was again exceptionally clean, yet I can't believe I'm eating as little as I am. For instance, today I ate about 1500 calories! Way too few for such a large man as myself. But I wasn't once hungry!?

I've already felt noticeable differences in my mood and sense of wellbeing since I began. I don't know if it's the natural fish oil I'm taking or the cleaner diet, but - despite some serious personal problems this week - I feel superb! There's no livin' like clean livin'!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 2 - Pull my Hammy - I Dare Ya!

DAY 2/90
Phase 1, Week 1, Routine 2
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 299.6 lbs - Loss 2 - %Loss .6%


Off to a good start...I lost 2 pounds (water weight) on my first day. However, I experienced my first setback today: I pulled my right hamstring while performing the very first exercise in the Plyometrics workout!

I cut the workout short because the pain was too severe to continue, but I regret that now. I should have subsituted an upper body workout in its place, but I didn't think of doing that. I was simply glad that I made an effort and accepted the experience for what it was: natural growing pains while my body adapts to physical activity.

Diet is going exceptionally well. I continue to keep my meals clean and frequent and I continue to drink my daily gallon of water.

Overall, I am definitely off to a good start and am quite proud of myself and the discipline I'm showing.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 1 - The Day Has Come!

DAY 1/90
Phase 1, Week 1, Routine 1
Chest & Back
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 301.6 lbs - Loss 0 - %Loss 0%

After all the planning, goal-setting, and worrying, today I finally take the very first step in transforming my body and my self.

The start was anything but easy. A lot of hard work goes into following a serious fitness regimen. I got up early this morning just to weigh and pack my meals. As soon as I got home, I popped the DVD in and began the first routine in the P-90X program: Chest & Back. My goodness! I can't believe how out of shape I am. I struggled right out of the gate and it took everything I had just to finish HALF of the workout! That's OK because that's actually what I was shooting for.

Overall I'm proud of my performance on day 1. My diet was very clean except that I ate far less than I had planned for! I was aiming at eating 2700 calories and barely got to 2000! It's amazing what small, frequent meals will do to quell an appetite. I'm on a "diet" and yet I couldn't eat all of my meals today.

Speaking of "diets", for those of you with strong stomachs, I posted my week 1 pictures. I have to warn you: it's not for the faint of heart! Looking at these pictures has only reinforced my commitment to change.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Wholes Foods Here We Come!

I've been busy preparing for the start of my journey by tossing out all the junkfood in my cupboards and refrigerator. I'll have to go grocery shopping tomorrow and I can't believe I'll be doing my shopping at Whole Foods! I've always seen that place as gimmicky and all "hype." Now, I can't believe it'll be me doing my groceries there.

This will all be for the better as I try to change my eating habits. There's also something reinforcing about shopping in such a health conscious place: the very act of shopping there makes one feel good about the positive choices they are making for themselves. If using organic deoderant will help me get one step closer to my goals, then so be it!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year! Let the Journey Begin!

2009 is finally upon us - thank goodness - and I wish every one a Happy New Year.

I intend to make the most of this year! This will be the year I meet my fitness goals and slay the dragon I've been chasing for so long.