Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 19 - Hum-drum Training Today

DAY 19/90
Phase 1, Week 3, Routine 5
Legs & Back
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 295.2 lbs - Loss 6.4 - %Loss 2.12%


Weight still stuck. If body measurements don't go down this week, it will be a clear indication that something's wrong. I'm beginning to think about what changes I should make.

Training was a little lackluster today. Had a good run on the beach, but waited until very late in the evening to train legs. I kept putting it off until I was good and sleepy and in no mood to train. I just went through the motions. I wasn't pleased.


Christophe said...

Getting a bit unmotivated? I suggest you ask a personal trainer at a gym, he might be able to help you out.

Cuban Pete said...

Hi Christophe! Yeah, I've been a little frustrated lately. A combination of a "frozen" scale and a lack of focus is weighing heavily on me. I wouldn't say it's a lack of motivation, though. I know deep down inside that there's absolutely no quitting in me; that there's no way I'm not going to meet my goals. But, I do feel like I've gone into "autopilot" mode. I really need to take stock in what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. It's time to review the "onboard computer" and refocus myself. Be on the look-out for a post on "Complacency" that I'm working should be up soon. In it, I'm going to tackle some of these issues. BTW, you seem to be a faithful follower of my blog...have you considered subscribing to it?