Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 9 - Weight Increasing Inexplicably

DAY 9/90
Phase 1, Week 2, Routine 2
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296.8 lbs - Loss 4.8 - %Loss 1.6%


I was a little disappointed today. For the second straight day, my bodyweight has gone up instead of down. From a low of 295.2 on Sunday, my weight has increased to 296.8 as of this morning. I know, I know - it's probably due to water-weight gain, but it's still frustrating as heck. My diet has been clean although, for the first time since I began, I've eaten at (or near) my max caloric quota. Today, I actually went over by about 200 calories as my spreadsheet wasn't summing over the right cells. This threw my total off and led me to overeat. Regardless, I'm still eating below maintenance levels for someone my size and the net effect should be consistent weight loss.

As for training, I successfuly completed the first two sequences of the Plyometrics workout. This was the goal I had set for myself last week. That is, until I pulled my hamstring on the first exercise. I'm glad to say that the workout went great!


Tiffany Forni said...

Don't be discouraged! Eventually you'll look FORWARD to packin on the muscle and gaining weight. I took a whole month and only lost 4 pounds... funny thing was I had lost 8 pounds of fat and gained 4 pounds of muscle! So overall it was great! Maybe you should get a body comp test done at your local hospital (the hydrostatic weighing) to see how your body is composed and how your fat to muscle ratio is. It's handy dandy! Good luck man!!!

Cuban Pete said...

Thanks, Tiffany! I've actually been looking for a hydrostatic facility to find my BF%. Yesterday I had a 3-point bodyfat caliper test done. The guy told me my BF% was 23.6% and almost fell over in laughter. No way!

He later plugged these numbers in a computer program that gave a more realistic number of 32.96%