Monday, July 27, 2009

Workout Goals & Results 7/27

DAY 21/178
Phase 1, Week 4
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241 lbs - Loss 60.6 - %Loss 20%


My goals for today:

1. Eat 250 grams of protein - UNMET
2. Drink 1 gallon of tea/water - UNMET
3. Take all supplements - MET

A1.Front Squat: 115x6x2, 95x6x1 - UNMET: 115x4, 115x2
A2. Lunges: BWx12 - UNMET: BWx12x2
A3. Goblet Squats: 25x25 - UNMET: 25x25x2
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

A1. 45-Degree Incline DB Press: 65x6 - UNMET
A2. Flat DB Press: 55x12 - UNMET
A3. Incline Push-up: BWx25 - UNMET
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

Treadmill walk 1 HOUR @ 65% MAX HR - UNMET

*Had a terrible workout today. Felt like crap...didn't sleep well last night and had aches in both knees. I decided to suck it up and live to train another day and cut the workout short. Not happy about that.

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