Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Workout Goals & Results 7/29

DAY 23/178
Phase 1, Week 4
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241 lbs - Loss 60.6 - %Loss 20%


Weight is still frozen at 241 lbs. Very frustrating. I've chosen to kick up the morning swims a notch and start actually SWIMMING instead of doing just the rehab work.

I'm also thinking of cutting down my breakfast further. I fear I eat way too much for breakfast and I can easily go for hours before eating my next meal. Not good. I may even start up with the ECA stack pills and risk those horrible cramps again. I simply need to start making some serious progress.

Today's goals:


1. NO cheat meals - MET
2. 250 grams of protein in under ~2500 kcals/day spread among 5 or more meals - UNMET
3. 1 gallon grean tea and/or water - MET
4. Log all my meals - MET

A1. High Rack Pull: 365x6 - MET
A2. Romanian Deadlift: 155x12 - MET
A3. Hyperextensionns: BWx25 - UNMET
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

A1. Supported T-Bar Row: 95x6 (1st set) - UNMET
A2. Dumbell Row: 80x12 - MET (1st set)
A3. Asst. Pull-up: 220x25 (get first 20 w/o pause) - MET (first 25!)
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)


Pretty good workout today. Gym was so busy, I couldn't follow my routine exactly so I had to improvise a bit. Still, a pretty good workout. Met a major goal on the Rack Pull...back felt a little bit "tweaky" but well enough to hit a new best since my back injury.

Also started the ECA stack today (took 2 pills) and, fortunately, didn't experience any cramps...just felt really "buzzed" throughout the entire workout!

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