Thursday, July 30, 2009

Workout Goals & Results 7/30

DAY 24/178
Phase 1, Week 4
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241 lbs - Loss 60.6 - %Loss 20%


I can't believe my weight has not budged. I thought all the recent cheat meals, high-carb meals, etc., would have qualified as a "refeed" and my metabolism would have jump-started by now. Maybe it's because I spend so much of my day sitting down, sedentary in front of a computer that I'm not burning enough calories?

I'm not going to change anything this week (except for adding the fat-burning pills), but if I don't lose at least 1 measly little pound by Monday morning, I'm going to have to reevaluate what I'm doing.



1. NO cheat meals - MET
2. 250 grams of protein in under ~2500 kcals/day spread among 5 or more meals - UNMET
3. 1 gallon grean tea and/or water - UNMET
4. Log all my meals - MET
5. Take all my vitamins and supplements - MET


AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. - UNMET (rain out)

Metabolic Effect:
GOAL: Complete both combinations:

A1. Thrusters: 30x10 - MET (rest-pause)
(*no rest)
A2. Burpees: BWx12 - MET (rest-pause)
(*75 sec rest)
(*Repeat 3x)

B1. Hang Clean to Push Press: 95x6 - UNMET
(*no rest)
B2. 3-Way DB Swing: 30x15 RT. Arm, 30x15 LT. Arm, 30x15 Both - UNMET
(*75 sec rest)
(*Repeat 3x)


Had a decent workout today. Having trouble getting all the lifts done in under an hour. Spent a few minutes warming up, 20 minutes on the 4-way neck machine, 25 minutes to complete the first combo, and that was it! The combo was absolutely brutal. For the first time, I was able to keep a pretty good pace through the first two circuits but after that, I was toast! I also started feeling some pain in my back again and, while doing some decline sit-ups, talked to an older guy at the gym who really seemed to know his stuff about back pain. He began listing all my symptoms without me even mentioning them to him. As you can imagine, he got my attention. He said that, given my symptoms, I most likely injured a nerve in my back. He said the only cures are prolonged rest (out of the question right now) and continued weight loss to relieve pressure on my back (precisely what I'm trying to do right now). He also recommended that I take some anti-inflammatory medicine, and so I popped 200mg of Celebrex as soon as I got home. I sure hope he's right.

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