Tuesday, September 22, 2009

100 Day Mark!

Wow, can't believe there's only 100 days left before New Year's in NYC! I've really begun to buckle down the last few days and I'm determined to meet my goals despite the recent setbacks and injuries. I'm slowly learning to how to work around my injuries, how not to see them as limitations but, rather, as motivation to push me further along.

On the injury front, my lower back has felt fantastic! I'd say I'm back to, maybe, 95%, with only occassional discomfort and what not. However, on sadder news, I've been feeling a lot of discomfort in my upper back ever since my last Chiropractic adjustment. I don't want to blame my chiropractor yet, but I'm begining to worry...

I'm getting back in my groove with training and diet. I've got 37 pounds to lose in three and a half months, so I better get busy!

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