DAY 53/90
Phase 2, Week 8, Routine 6
Kenpo X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 278.8 lbs - Loss 22.8 - %Loss 7.56%
Hey guys...was sick with flu all week last week. Still haven't completely gotten over the bug. Funny thing is, nothing is better for weight loss than the flu virus! I lost a ton of weight last week!
I'll post a complete update tomorrow.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Day 43 - Crappy Day
DAY 43/90
Phase 2, Week 7, Routine 1
Chest & Shoulders & Triceps & Ab Ripper X
Intensity: 6
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 283.8 lbs - Loss 17.8 - %Loss 5.90%
Crappy day today. Got back with my ex-girlfriend and frittered the entire day away with her today. Got home at 4AM and attempted a half-hearted workout. Cut it short because I was too tired. Not pleased with myself. Weight is still pouring off.
On the positive side, in all, I lost 6 pounds last week!
Phase 2, Week 7, Routine 1
Chest & Shoulders & Triceps & Ab Ripper X
Intensity: 6
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 283.8 lbs - Loss 17.8 - %Loss 5.90%
Crappy day today. Got back with my ex-girlfriend and frittered the entire day away with her today. Got home at 4AM and attempted a half-hearted workout. Cut it short because I was too tired. Not pleased with myself. Weight is still pouring off.
On the positive side, in all, I lost 6 pounds last week!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Day 42 - Eating too Little
DAY 42/90
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 7
Stretch X
Intensity: 9
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 284.8 lbs - Loss 16.8 - %Loss 5.57%
Good day today. Didn't run/walk again to let the ankle's feeling about 90% now. I can walk on it without limping. I was talking to a friend who suffered a similar ankle injury and, according to him, he suffered a completely torn ligament. He described the symptoms and how he injured himself, and I'm beginning to believe I also tore a ligament. This injury happened over 10 years ago and I tend to aggravate it every time I take up exercise.
I'm eating too little food. I can't believe I just said that, but I averaged under 1800 calories this week. That's just not enough food. Weight loss is going steady, though. I've lost 5 pounds this week alone.
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 7
Stretch X
Intensity: 9
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 284.8 lbs - Loss 16.8 - %Loss 5.57%
Good day today. Didn't run/walk again to let the ankle's feeling about 90% now. I can walk on it without limping. I was talking to a friend who suffered a similar ankle injury and, according to him, he suffered a completely torn ligament. He described the symptoms and how he injured himself, and I'm beginning to believe I also tore a ligament. This injury happened over 10 years ago and I tend to aggravate it every time I take up exercise.
I'm eating too little food. I can't believe I just said that, but I averaged under 1800 calories this week. That's just not enough food. Weight loss is going steady, though. I've lost 5 pounds this week alone.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Day 41 - Oh, Vodka Redbulls - Ahhh!!!
DAY 41/90
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 6
Kenpo X
Intensity: 5
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 285 lbs - Loss 16.6 - %Loss 5.50%
Not the best day today. I caved in a little and had a couple of drinks with friends. I had a Vodka Tonic and a Vodka Red Bull at a [clears throat awkwardly] "gentlemen's club." It was something of a Valentine's Day celebration and so I indulged a little.
When I got home late at night I attempted the Kenpo workout - and managed to do about half of it - before cutting it short due to pain in my ankle. I decided I should let the ankle rest instead.
I'm glad I kept hacking away at it and didn't take the easy way out by not training at all. However, I wish I had done more.
On a more positive note, I weighed in at 285 this morning, making for a nearly 5 pound loss of weight this week alone!!!
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 6
Kenpo X
Intensity: 5
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 285 lbs - Loss 16.6 - %Loss 5.50%
Not the best day today. I caved in a little and had a couple of drinks with friends. I had a Vodka Tonic and a Vodka Red Bull at a [clears throat awkwardly] "gentlemen's club." It was something of a Valentine's Day celebration and so I indulged a little.
When I got home late at night I attempted the Kenpo workout - and managed to do about half of it - before cutting it short due to pain in my ankle. I decided I should let the ankle rest instead.
I'm glad I kept hacking away at it and didn't take the easy way out by not training at all. However, I wish I had done more.
On a more positive note, I weighed in at 285 this morning, making for a nearly 5 pound loss of weight this week alone!!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Day 40 - Aggravated Ankle Injury
DAY 40/90
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 5
Legs & Back & Ab Ripper X
Intensity: 7
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 286 lbs - Loss 15.6 - %Loss 5.17%
Another tough day today. The past couple of days have been a real test. It seems that yesterday's yoga aggravated an old ankle injury I suffered over 10 years ago while playing racquetball. I woke up this morning limping badly and barely able to walk. I made an effort to do my daily run/walk on the beach, but had to cut that short because of the pain. On the way home, I decided I had to train around the "injury" and thought to settle for a few sets of arm curls and call it a day. I decided against this for fear that it would derail my efforts. I chose to find a way to confront the pain and strive to do my best. I'm glad to say I did this. What would have been a half-a*sed workout, turn out to be a pretty good one. I rated the workout's intensity a '7' because I only managed to do half the scheduled workout because the pain was too intense. It seems, too, that this may have been good for my ankle, as I found I was able to walk around with less pain after training.
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 5
Legs & Back & Ab Ripper X
Intensity: 7
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 286 lbs - Loss 15.6 - %Loss 5.17%
Another tough day today. The past couple of days have been a real test. It seems that yesterday's yoga aggravated an old ankle injury I suffered over 10 years ago while playing racquetball. I woke up this morning limping badly and barely able to walk. I made an effort to do my daily run/walk on the beach, but had to cut that short because of the pain. On the way home, I decided I had to train around the "injury" and thought to settle for a few sets of arm curls and call it a day. I decided against this for fear that it would derail my efforts. I chose to find a way to confront the pain and strive to do my best. I'm glad to say I did this. What would have been a half-a*sed workout, turn out to be a pretty good one. I rated the workout's intensity a '7' because I only managed to do half the scheduled workout because the pain was too intense. It seems, too, that this may have been good for my ankle, as I found I was able to walk around with less pain after training.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Day 39 - Great Yoga Today
DAY 39/90
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 4
Yoga X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 286.8 lbs - Loss 14.8 - %Loss 4.91%
I've busted my butt working on my truck all day...needless to say, I was in absolutely no mood to train when I got home today. It was a classic "stare at the cozy bed calling your name" or dig deep and get to business situation. I'm glad I made the latter choice. I didn't think I had the strength for rigorous yoga, but not only did I have the strength, I had one of the best yoga workouts ever!!! Funny how that works...
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 4
Yoga X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 286.8 lbs - Loss 14.8 - %Loss 4.91%
I've busted my butt working on my truck all day...needless to say, I was in absolutely no mood to train when I got home today. It was a classic "stare at the cozy bed calling your name" or dig deep and get to business situation. I'm glad I made the latter choice. I didn't think I had the strength for rigorous yoga, but not only did I have the strength, I had one of the best yoga workouts ever!!! Funny how that works...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Day 38 - Feeling a Little Tired
DAY 38/90
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 5
Back & Biceps & Ab Ripper X
Intensity: 8
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 287.8 lbs - Loss 13.8 - %Loss 4.58%
Had a pretty good workout today. It wasn't great, but pretty good. I say that because I don't feel as if I dug in as deeply as I could. I kept resisting the impulse to "take it easy" and this was distracting. It may be due to the fact that midway through the workout I got a bit tired, but I still feel like I held back a little.
Something may have been wrong. When I made my usual run/walk on the beach, I decided to simply speed walk to let my aching knees rest a little, but the last 30 minutes were absolutely brutal. I was walking very, very slowly and still felt exhausted. I couldn't wait to get back to my car and get home. I really need to rest...
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 5
Back & Biceps & Ab Ripper X
Intensity: 8
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 287.8 lbs - Loss 13.8 - %Loss 4.58%
Had a pretty good workout today. It wasn't great, but pretty good. I say that because I don't feel as if I dug in as deeply as I could. I kept resisting the impulse to "take it easy" and this was distracting. It may be due to the fact that midway through the workout I got a bit tired, but I still feel like I held back a little.
Something may have been wrong. When I made my usual run/walk on the beach, I decided to simply speed walk to let my aching knees rest a little, but the last 30 minutes were absolutely brutal. I was walking very, very slowly and still felt exhausted. I couldn't wait to get back to my car and get home. I really need to rest...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Day 37 - Overzealous on Plyo
DAY 37/90
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 2
Intensity: 9
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 287.8 lbs - Loss 13.8 - %Loss 4.58%
Another good training day today. I may have gone a little "overboard" during plyo as I felt a sharp pain in my left knee (my "good" knee). I guess it's not such a good idea for a 290 pound man to be jumping around like that.
I followed up plyo with an hour's worth of run/walk on the beach. I tend to run/walk as I work my way 30 minutes in one direction, and walk the rest of the way back. I managed a steady "jog" of 12 straight minutes today. This is the longest I've gone yet without stopping to catch my breath. It's not a pretty sight, but I'm definitely making progress!
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 2
Intensity: 9
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 287.8 lbs - Loss 13.8 - %Loss 4.58%
Another good training day today. I may have gone a little "overboard" during plyo as I felt a sharp pain in my left knee (my "good" knee). I guess it's not such a good idea for a 290 pound man to be jumping around like that.
I followed up plyo with an hour's worth of run/walk on the beach. I tend to run/walk as I work my way 30 minutes in one direction, and walk the rest of the way back. I managed a steady "jog" of 12 straight minutes today. This is the longest I've gone yet without stopping to catch my breath. It's not a pretty sight, but I'm definitely making progress!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Day 36 - Good Start
DAY 36/90
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 1
Chest & Shoulders & Triceps & Ab Ripper X
Intensity Level: 9
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 289.8 lbs - Loss 11.8 - %Loss 3.91%
Great start to the week! I busted my butt today! I trained with all-out intensity and had nothing left in the tank when it was all over. This is what I want out of myself each and every day: 110% effort. I'm going to need it too as I absolutely have to lose 12 pounds over the next 3 weeks in order to stay on track. Losing 4 pounds per week is not easy, but it seems like a good challenge and goal. I don't plan on doing anything differently except upping the intensity several notches. I also intend to more cardio and may even start sandbag training to help the cause.
This guys goes nuts with the sandbag:
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 1
Chest & Shoulders & Triceps & Ab Ripper X
Intensity Level: 9
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 289.8 lbs - Loss 11.8 - %Loss 3.91%
Great start to the week! I busted my butt today! I trained with all-out intensity and had nothing left in the tank when it was all over. This is what I want out of myself each and every day: 110% effort. I'm going to need it too as I absolutely have to lose 12 pounds over the next 3 weeks in order to stay on track. Losing 4 pounds per week is not easy, but it seems like a good challenge and goal. I don't plan on doing anything differently except upping the intensity several notches. I also intend to more cardio and may even start sandbag training to help the cause.
This guys goes nuts with the sandbag:
Day 35 - Weight up
DAY 35/90
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 7
Stretch X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 290 lbs - Loss 11.6 - %Loss 3.85%
Strangely enough, after going really low carb the past couple of days, my weight has gone up. I've also eaten about 200 calories more than usual, so this might explain it.
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 7
Stretch X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 290 lbs - Loss 11.6 - %Loss 3.85%
Strangely enough, after going really low carb the past couple of days, my weight has gone up. I've also eaten about 200 calories more than usual, so this might explain it.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Phase 1 Review - Phase 2 Goals
I am happy with the fact that I have not faltered ever since I began this personal quest. I have steadily done all of my workouts and have maintained a 100% clean diet for six weeks straight. Those are the positives. The negatives have to do with a certain lack of passion, focus, and intensity I've been experiencing lately. I am approaching this as a job; a must-do chore, and not an all-consuming effort that captures all of my energy and passion.
I do not want to go through the motions anymore. I want to push myself harder and push the limits of what my body and mind can do.
I am 1/3 of the way through the first round of the 90-day fitness program I am following. And though I see myself getting slimmer and stronger, I fear that I may not be progressing as quickly as I could. I spend most of the day sitting on my rear end and putting off my training until I could no longer wait and am forced to train. My meals are scattered throughout the day, often going 5 hours or more between meals. This is all proof that I am allowing the edges to blur a little; that my focus has waned. If I don't take action now, this can spiral out of control.
Ironically, though, my motivation levels are still high. I simply know deep down inside that failure will not - cannot - be an option; that I must succeed no matter what. This overwhelming feeling is what allows me to overcome the daily temptations to indulge in fatty foods or skip training. So intense is my committment, that these thoughts are barely entertained - if at all. But though "motivation" may be high, passion is definitely lagging. I must do something about this, because without passion, motivation will eventually fall by the wayside.
In an effort to right the ship, I will pursue difficult goals and correct lazy behavior throughout the 3 weeks I have left in Phase 2 of the training program. Phase 2 is intended as a period where one is to push themselves and make dramatic gains. I'm off to a good start considering I've lost nearly 4 pounds this week. But in order to ensure that progress continues, here are the changes/goals I will be implementing during the next 3 weeks:
1. I must lose 11 pounds during Phase 2 in order to stay on track. This will require that I lose over 3.5 pounds per week. Definitely a tough challenge.
2. I will begin gauging intensity in all of my workouts on a scale from 1 to 10. I will post this level of perceived effort in all blog entries every night. I am setting a goal of averaging an intensity level of 9 on all workouts.
3. I will begin including sandbag training 3x per week. This training will be metabolic in nature an focused on conditioning and fat burning.
4. I will establish a daily training routine and train at, or near, the same time every day. I now expect to train everyday beginning at 6pm.
5. I will eat 6 daily meals separated by at most 3 hours.
I do not want to go through the motions anymore. I want to push myself harder and push the limits of what my body and mind can do.
I am 1/3 of the way through the first round of the 90-day fitness program I am following. And though I see myself getting slimmer and stronger, I fear that I may not be progressing as quickly as I could. I spend most of the day sitting on my rear end and putting off my training until I could no longer wait and am forced to train. My meals are scattered throughout the day, often going 5 hours or more between meals. This is all proof that I am allowing the edges to blur a little; that my focus has waned. If I don't take action now, this can spiral out of control.
Ironically, though, my motivation levels are still high. I simply know deep down inside that failure will not - cannot - be an option; that I must succeed no matter what. This overwhelming feeling is what allows me to overcome the daily temptations to indulge in fatty foods or skip training. So intense is my committment, that these thoughts are barely entertained - if at all. But though "motivation" may be high, passion is definitely lagging. I must do something about this, because without passion, motivation will eventually fall by the wayside.
In an effort to right the ship, I will pursue difficult goals and correct lazy behavior throughout the 3 weeks I have left in Phase 2 of the training program. Phase 2 is intended as a period where one is to push themselves and make dramatic gains. I'm off to a good start considering I've lost nearly 4 pounds this week. But in order to ensure that progress continues, here are the changes/goals I will be implementing during the next 3 weeks:
1. I must lose 11 pounds during Phase 2 in order to stay on track. This will require that I lose over 3.5 pounds per week. Definitely a tough challenge.
2. I will begin gauging intensity in all of my workouts on a scale from 1 to 10. I will post this level of perceived effort in all blog entries every night. I am setting a goal of averaging an intensity level of 9 on all workouts.
3. I will begin including sandbag training 3x per week. This training will be metabolic in nature an focused on conditioning and fat burning.
4. I will establish a daily training routine and train at, or near, the same time every day. I now expect to train everyday beginning at 6pm.
5. I will eat 6 daily meals separated by at most 3 hours.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Day 34 - Dropped Another Pound!
DAY 34/90
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 6
Kenpo X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 288.6lbs - Loss 13 - %Loss 4.31%
Weight seems to be dropping steadily now. I hope this keeps up. Training and diet went well again today, but I feel like I have to reign things in. I lack a sense of routine that is so necessary for an effort such as this. I plan on posting my end-of-week review as well as goals for Phase 2 tomorrow. I hope to develop a plan for setting up a regimen I can live with and follow every day.
As a side note, the neuroma in my left foot started acting up again during Kenpo. I hope it's just temporary.
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 6
Kenpo X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 288.6lbs - Loss 13 - %Loss 4.31%
Weight seems to be dropping steadily now. I hope this keeps up. Training and diet went well again today, but I feel like I have to reign things in. I lack a sense of routine that is so necessary for an effort such as this. I plan on posting my end-of-week review as well as goals for Phase 2 tomorrow. I hope to develop a plan for setting up a regimen I can live with and follow every day.
As a side note, the neuroma in my left foot started acting up again during Kenpo. I hope it's just temporary.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Day 33 - Scatter-Brained
DAY 33/90
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 5
Legs & Back & Ab Ripper X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 289.6 lbs - Loss 12 - %Loss 3.98%
I'm extremely exhausted right now. I just finished my leg workout and cardio back-to-back and am running on empty now. Had a good workout, but didn't like the fact I put it off until late. I have to work on building a steady routine I can follow day in and day out. Right now I feel scatter-brained and ill-disciplined. I have to fix this.
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 5
Legs & Back & Ab Ripper X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 289.6 lbs - Loss 12 - %Loss 3.98%
I'm extremely exhausted right now. I just finished my leg workout and cardio back-to-back and am running on empty now. Had a good workout, but didn't like the fact I put it off until late. I have to work on building a steady routine I can follow day in and day out. Right now I feel scatter-brained and ill-disciplined. I have to fix this.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Day 32 - Under 290
DAY 32/90
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 4
Yoga X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 289.6 lbs - Loss 12 - %Loss 3.98%
Finally under 290 lbs. Weight seems to be dropping at a good, steady pace. I hope this keeps up.
It was freezing cold this morning is South Florida (55 degrees!!!) and the morning walk on the beach was rough! It was windy and cold, but I still put my hour in and I'm pleased. The afternoon Yoga workout went well, but I didn't meet my goal of completing all the Asanas. I keep getting stuck at the behind-the-back grab Triangle Pose. I simply can't clasp my hands. I stopped the workout there, but looking back, I should have modified the pose and moved on. I feel I'm not yet ready for the balance poses, but I should be able to handle the remaining asanas or a variation thereof.
Diet was clean and managed to eat 5 square meals. I can't believe I'm only averaging 2000 calories a day.
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 4
Yoga X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 289.6 lbs - Loss 12 - %Loss 3.98%
Finally under 290 lbs. Weight seems to be dropping at a good, steady pace. I hope this keeps up.
It was freezing cold this morning is South Florida (55 degrees!!!) and the morning walk on the beach was rough! It was windy and cold, but I still put my hour in and I'm pleased. The afternoon Yoga workout went well, but I didn't meet my goal of completing all the Asanas. I keep getting stuck at the behind-the-back grab Triangle Pose. I simply can't clasp my hands. I stopped the workout there, but looking back, I should have modified the pose and moved on. I feel I'm not yet ready for the balance poses, but I should be able to handle the remaining asanas or a variation thereof.
Diet was clean and managed to eat 5 square meals. I can't believe I'm only averaging 2000 calories a day.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Day 31 - Fasted Speed Walking
DAY 31/90
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 3
Back & Biceps & Ab Ripper X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 290 lbs - Loss 11.6 - %Loss 3.85%
I did some fasted speed walking this morning. All went well. However, by the time I got around to training in the afternoon, I was absolutely exhausted despite sleeping well last night. Nevertheless, I pushed through and managed to get an excellent workout! In fact, I made new PRs stepping up to the heavyduty black resistance bands on all exercises! I never thought it would happen this soon.
Diet was clean but I only managed to eat 3 times today. I have to plan better in order to get a full 6 meals every day.
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 3
Back & Biceps & Ab Ripper X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 290 lbs - Loss 11.6 - %Loss 3.85%
I did some fasted speed walking this morning. All went well. However, by the time I got around to training in the afternoon, I was absolutely exhausted despite sleeping well last night. Nevertheless, I pushed through and managed to get an excellent workout! In fact, I made new PRs stepping up to the heavyduty black resistance bands on all exercises! I never thought it would happen this soon.
Diet was clean but I only managed to eat 3 times today. I have to plan better in order to get a full 6 meals every day.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Day 30 - 290 lbs! Major Milestone
DAY 30/90
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 2
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 290 lbs - Loss 11.6 - %Loss 3.85%
290 pounds!!! I can't believe it! I came one day and 4/10th of a pound shy of meeting my goal of losing 12 pounds in four weeks. I am very proud of that considering all that time that went by without any changes in weight. I'm totally psyched!!!
In order to prevent a spike due to carbs, I cut most carbs out today, consuming only 77 grams of complex carbs. I also went all-out in training today to ensure the scale drops again tomorrow or, at least, stays at 290. I hope this wasn't a one-day fluke.
During plyo I noticed I kept preferring the right knee on all jump sequences. I was hoping things would go well because, apart from some stiffness, the right knee has felt pretty good. I even eliminated all running and impact movements in the hopes it would heal. Unfortunately, while doing Mary-Katherines Lunges, I began experiencing a sharp pain again. So, in order to develop the quadriceps and increase stability in my knee, I substituted body weight squat variations for all jump sequences. I must've done over 200 squats today and my legs are toast! I really hope this helps...
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 2
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 290 lbs - Loss 11.6 - %Loss 3.85%
290 pounds!!! I can't believe it! I came one day and 4/10th of a pound shy of meeting my goal of losing 12 pounds in four weeks. I am very proud of that considering all that time that went by without any changes in weight. I'm totally psyched!!!
In order to prevent a spike due to carbs, I cut most carbs out today, consuming only 77 grams of complex carbs. I also went all-out in training today to ensure the scale drops again tomorrow or, at least, stays at 290. I hope this wasn't a one-day fluke.
During plyo I noticed I kept preferring the right knee on all jump sequences. I was hoping things would go well because, apart from some stiffness, the right knee has felt pretty good. I even eliminated all running and impact movements in the hopes it would heal. Unfortunately, while doing Mary-Katherines Lunges, I began experiencing a sharp pain again. So, in order to develop the quadriceps and increase stability in my knee, I substituted body weight squat variations for all jump sequences. I must've done over 200 squats today and my legs are toast! I really hope this helps...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Day 29 - Phase 2 Begins
DAY 29/90
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 1
Chest, Shoulders, Triceps & Ab Ripper X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 292.4 lbs - Loss 9.2 - %Loss 3.05%
Began Phase 2 today. I didn't get much sleep last night and subsequently felt tired all day. Needless to say, my workout suffered and I nearly cut the workout short. I decided against it...I simply cannot give myself an out like that. I stuck with it and managed to get a decent, though not great, workout in.
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 1
Chest, Shoulders, Triceps & Ab Ripper X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 292.4 lbs - Loss 9.2 - %Loss 3.05%
Began Phase 2 today. I didn't get much sleep last night and subsequently felt tired all day. Needless to say, my workout suffered and I nearly cut the workout short. I decided against it...I simply cannot give myself an out like that. I stuck with it and managed to get a decent, though not great, workout in.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Coke Head!!!
I used to be a real coke head.
No, not this kind of coke head:

But a real coke freak. I would easily drink about 12 to 15 cans of soda a day!
Well, no more! In fact, here's a picture of the very last coke I had (drank 1/4/09):

As a side note, here's a "before" picture of the coke head puppy before the drugs took hold!
No, not this kind of coke head:

But a real coke freak. I would easily drink about 12 to 15 cans of soda a day!
Well, no more! In fact, here's a picture of the very last coke I had (drank 1/4/09):
As a side note, here's a "before" picture of the coke head puppy before the drugs took hold!

Day 28 - Stroll on the Beach!!
DAY 28/90
Phase 1, Week 4, Routine 7
Stretch X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 292.6 lbs - Loss 9 - %Loss 2.98%
Easy day today. Took a nice stroll along the beach this afternoon (knee felt stiff but didn't hurt - thank God!). It was a beautiful day in South Florida, so if it's freezing cold where you live right now, I apologize beforehand for posting the following video (lol!), but it was such a pleasant day...low 70s...that I had to capture it. Enjoy.
I can't believe it's been a month since I started! Today marks the end of Phase 1 and to commemorate the day, I had my bodyfat and diet analyzed at Max Muscle (Thanks, Mick!). I will write about what I learned and a review of Phase 1 - and goals for Phase 2 - tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Phase 1, Week 4, Routine 7
Stretch X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 292.6 lbs - Loss 9 - %Loss 2.98%
Easy day today. Took a nice stroll along the beach this afternoon (knee felt stiff but didn't hurt - thank God!). It was a beautiful day in South Florida, so if it's freezing cold where you live right now, I apologize beforehand for posting the following video (lol!), but it was such a pleasant day...low 70s...that I had to capture it. Enjoy.
I can't believe it's been a month since I started! Today marks the end of Phase 1 and to commemorate the day, I had my bodyfat and diet analyzed at Max Muscle (Thanks, Mick!). I will write about what I learned and a review of Phase 1 - and goals for Phase 2 - tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Day 27 - Knee Pain Continues
DAY 27/90
Phase 1, Week 4, Routine 6
Core Synergistics
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 293.2 lbs - Loss 8.4 - %Loss 2.78%
I cut the workout short today due to pain in my right knee. The Core Synergistics workout had too many leg movements and so I did about half of the workout. I also experienced slight pain during a slow, 1-hour walk on the beach. I felt stiffness in my knee and began to limp slightly after walking for 30 minutes. I stopped and stretched my quads and the discomfort went away...I continued walking normally.
I went to WebMD to search for a possible cause of my knee pain and the likely culprits are either tendonitis, overuse, or obesity. I (thank God!) haven't experienced a traumatic knee injury (I mean, how could you if you sit on your butt all day?) and so I doubt it could be a major ligament tear. I did, however, injure my right ankle many years ago and, to this day, the ankle bone appears excessively large and swollen compared to the left ankle bone. I've alway experienced a lot of popping and cracking in my left knee, especially when getting up from a seated position or when doing squats, but without pain. The pain began the day after I last trained on The Prowler. At first I noticed that my knees felt tender and sore. I wasn't surprised as I had commented how much I felt the Prowler in the knees and how I felt it would help stregthen them. The next day, while walking/jogging on the sand, I took a step on a soft mound of sand and immediately felt a sharp pain in the front of the knee. As soon as we got off the sand and began walking on the sidewalk, the pain went away.
It seems then, that my body is responding to so much activity that it isn't accustomed to. I am simply too heavy and out of shape and, it appears, that these aches and pains come with the territory.
Phase 1, Week 4, Routine 6
Core Synergistics
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 293.2 lbs - Loss 8.4 - %Loss 2.78%
I cut the workout short today due to pain in my right knee. The Core Synergistics workout had too many leg movements and so I did about half of the workout. I also experienced slight pain during a slow, 1-hour walk on the beach. I felt stiffness in my knee and began to limp slightly after walking for 30 minutes. I stopped and stretched my quads and the discomfort went away...I continued walking normally.
I went to WebMD to search for a possible cause of my knee pain and the likely culprits are either tendonitis, overuse, or obesity. I (thank God!) haven't experienced a traumatic knee injury (I mean, how could you if you sit on your butt all day?) and so I doubt it could be a major ligament tear. I did, however, injure my right ankle many years ago and, to this day, the ankle bone appears excessively large and swollen compared to the left ankle bone. I've alway experienced a lot of popping and cracking in my left knee, especially when getting up from a seated position or when doing squats, but without pain. The pain began the day after I last trained on The Prowler. At first I noticed that my knees felt tender and sore. I wasn't surprised as I had commented how much I felt the Prowler in the knees and how I felt it would help stregthen them. The next day, while walking/jogging on the sand, I took a step on a soft mound of sand and immediately felt a sharp pain in the front of the knee. As soon as we got off the sand and began walking on the sidewalk, the pain went away.
It seems then, that my body is responding to so much activity that it isn't accustomed to. I am simply too heavy and out of shape and, it appears, that these aches and pains come with the territory.
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