Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day 27 - Knee Pain Continues

DAY 27/90
Phase 1, Week 4, Routine 6
Core Synergistics
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 293.2 lbs - Loss 8.4 - %Loss 2.78%


I cut the workout short today due to pain in my right knee. The Core Synergistics workout had too many leg movements and so I did about half of the workout. I also experienced slight pain during a slow, 1-hour walk on the beach. I felt stiffness in my knee and began to limp slightly after walking for 30 minutes. I stopped and stretched my quads and the discomfort went away...I continued walking normally.

I went to WebMD to search for a possible cause of my knee pain and the likely culprits are either tendonitis, overuse, or obesity. I (thank God!) haven't experienced a traumatic knee injury (I mean, how could you if you sit on your butt all day?) and so I doubt it could be a major ligament tear. I did, however, injure my right ankle many years ago and, to this day, the ankle bone appears excessively large and swollen compared to the left ankle bone. I've alway experienced a lot of popping and cracking in my left knee, especially when getting up from a seated position or when doing squats, but without pain. The pain began the day after I last trained on The Prowler. At first I noticed that my knees felt tender and sore. I wasn't surprised as I had commented how much I felt the Prowler in the knees and how I felt it would help stregthen them. The next day, while walking/jogging on the sand, I took a step on a soft mound of sand and immediately felt a sharp pain in the front of the knee. As soon as we got off the sand and began walking on the sidewalk, the pain went away.

It seems then, that my body is responding to so much activity that it isn't accustomed to. I am simply too heavy and out of shape and, it appears, that these aches and pains come with the territory.


IrishScot said...

I have faith in ya buddy! Good to talk to you !

Tiffany Forni said...

I must say.. ouch! Be safe get better! Drink water! I'll keep your injury in my prayers and wish you a speedy recovery!


Cuban Pete said...

Thanks, guys!