Wednesday, March 25, 2009

14 Week Plan

I am inspired! I've realized my recent setback has not really derailed my goals. In fact, I've already lost 4 pounds since Monday and am now at the same weight I was when I got back with my ex - the start of all my troubles.

I say I'm inspired because there are still over 14 weeks left before July 4th and, given my current weight, I see no problem coming in at 235 pounds or better; a mere 15 pounds off of my original (and possibly unrealistic) goal of 220 pounds. But more importantly than the weight, I thought about the amazing improvements I can make in my strength and conditioning. I wondered: Hmmm...just how good a physique can I develop in 14 weeks of focused, intense training and dieting?

So this will be my goal: to apply the same training and diet philosophies in a more focused manner for the next 14 weeks. It really is just doing the same things I began doing but with the intensity and laser-like focus I had originally strived for, but lost over time. Looking back at those first six weeks, I realized that I was working my way towards a downfall even before I met my ex-girlfriend. To use a favorite phrase: I let the edges "blur." This is normally the first symptom of a lack of motivation and the first indication that - if left unaddressed - major problems will unfold. For instance, I was never able to truly "dial-in" my diet. I struggled to eat six meals per day and my calories dropped dangerously low. I also failed to include enough fruits and vegetables. As for training, I noticed that I began to train mechanically without any real goals to propel me. Training was a daily chore and one I would put off doing as much as possible. As I read my old blog posts, I notice that I tended to train very late into the evening, often training before bed - when I was most tired.

As a whole, it seems, that though I was consistent in my training and diet, they simply were not optimal. I was cutting myself short by cutting so many corners. I failed to implement the right combination of discipline and routine to make my efforts truly effective. What then if I make such a concerted effort over the next 14 weeks? Just what will I be able to achieve?

Here, then, is my 14 week plan:


1. Train 2-a-days Monday - Saturday. Use Sundays to stretch and recuperate.
AM Workout: 30 minutes fasted sandbag complexes and sprints.
PM Workout: P90-X + Strongman or beach walk for an hour (I may alternate Strongman with Circuit Runs at the park). I should schedule the
P90-X and Strongman/Cardio workouts back-to-back in order to prevent turning it into 3-a-days.

2. Set goals for every workout. Set long-term training goals.

3. Set intensity goals for every workout. Strive for maximum intensity in every workout.


1. Limit calories to 2300 kcal per day.

2. Eat six small meals per day.

3. Include at least 3 servings of vegetables per day.

4. Drink 1 gallon of water/green tea per day.

5. Take 3 Tbsp of fish oil per day.

As you can see, this isn't at all different from my initial plan. The only difference will be on strictly adhering to this plan. My goal is not to waiver from doing these things for the next 14 weeks. I'd like to see what being truly committed can really achieve.

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