I want strong hands. I want a bone-crushing grip - the kind that will make you think twice about making eye contact with the mothherfucker for fear of pissing him off. Now that's a firm grip!

One man's struggle to conquer himself; a personal quest for glory through physical transformation and victory over obesity, weakness, and poor self image.
So do I take it that you aren't starting until 2009?
First thing, especially for someone your size and the frame you have I would not suggest a low carb approach.
Low carb sheds weight easily but its not great at shedding FAT which in the end will make you look like you do now, just thinner (skinny fat), and as soon as you jump off the low carb kick the weight will come back FAST!
You're better off doing something like 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fats - you'll have GREAT energy and will lose fat and allow yourself to build and maintain muscle too.
Not sure if you visit johnstonefitness.com a lot, but thats where I get most of my info from. I have been a member there since the forums started about 4 or 5 years ago.
I currently use the "personal training" services of a guy named mastover (www.mastover.com) - which is great. He tells you exactly what to do for lifting, cardio and how much to eat. He doesnt tell you what to eat for meals but he tells you what kinds of foods are good and bad and he answers EVERY question you could possibly have.
However - you need to be motivated because his service does cost money and he isnt there to hold your hand.
Anyways - you sound like you are off to a good start and you are getting your motivation levels up...
All the other shit, feeling like a pussy and insecurities, will get much better as you lose weight and gain muscle, when I am heavier its like night and day to how I feel when I am thinner. It makes a WORLD of difference.
Just stick to it and put 300% into it and you will succeed in a huge way!!! Good Luck!
Hi Matt. I checked out your site,
http://blog.superfink.com/. Very nice! I wish you good luck in your fitness efforts.
Yes. I won't begin until 2009. I figured, why ruin the holidays, right? Besides, I've been on holiday vacation and it's given me the perfect opportunity to think, plan, and motivate myself.
As for the macro breakdown, 40-40-20, I couldn't agree with you more. This is actually known as the "zone diet" and I've been a firm believer in it. I will start with 40-40-20 and then adjust my carb intake if or when the fat loss plateaus.
Yep, been following John Stone for some time now. He's definitely someone I take a lot of inspiration from.
Thanks for the encouragement! I am definitely going to give this my all!
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