Specific: I must choose exactly what I want to achieve. This will help prioritize high-vlaue tasks.
Measurable: Progress towards my goals must be measurable. All efforts must have a "quantifiable" aspect. This will allow for objective assessment.
Attainable and Realistic: All worthwile goals will require me to stretch myself and take myself outside of my comfort zone. However, my goals - though lofty - must be realistic and attainable if given the proper effort.
Timely: Meaningful deadlines will help put positive pressure on me. They will give me a sense of urgency and encourage me to stay on track. For example, I have set July 4th, 2009 as a mid-year milestone. The goal is to spend Independence Day weekend in Key West, Florida where I will strut around shirtless in public for the first time in what will be the biggest party of my life!
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