Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

But I'm wondering if my goals, outlined in my previous post, meet the criteria.
If you're familiar with the P-90X program (I mean, who isn't? The infomercials are everywhere!), then you know how complex and varied the exercises are. And this is my dilemma: it is obviously overkill to set goals for each and every exercise as this will dilute the effectiveness of goal setting, but I'm wondering if I'm setting specific, program-related goals.

I'd be grateful if you guys help me with some feedback/ideas on how to go about this.
What do you think? Are my goals measurable and specific enough? Are they realistic and attainable?
Thanks for any help you can provide!
Hello, Sir:
Fellow T-nation reader here, looking to provide you with some insight and counsel (should you choose)...
Your weight and measurement goals are specific, but your training intentions, well, I am unsure.
I am unfamiliar with the p90x program. I dont know if that is what you need to keep yourself motivated, a tape instructing you what to do, but I am unsure if what that tape provides is a method by which one may lose 70lbs? in a few months.
Also, you say 2500 calories, but you dont explain how you intend to eat.
Also, you say 30 minutes of cardio a day, but that doesnt tell me anything.
I guess what I am saying is that I want you to post as much information (with as little insubstantial commentary---i can tell you love to writewritewrite) as you can.
I want physical stats, physical stat goals, current physical abilities, intended frequency of training, intended dietary plan, etc.
I need more info before I can comment more thoroughly
AND PLEASE. dont say youre waiting until 1/1/2009 to start this. There is no time to begin something but right now, bro.
Comment back or post more thoroughly or email me. There just isnt enough hard objective info on this site yet
Hi Daniel,
I once lost nearly 60 pounds while in college. I've managed to gain it back and then some. Luckily, I kept detailed notes on diet, physical stats, and training and so I have a pretty good idea about the way my body will respond to diet and training. That's why my weight and measurement goals are very specific. For instance, I know that at a weight of 259 pounds, I should have a waist size of 46".
As for training, I'm a little confused. Having no experience with this particular program, I don't know what, exactly, will constitute a realistic goal.
However, I have personally seen some pretty amazing transformations with P-90X, but, if you ignore the fancy packaging for a minute, it is really just GPP (General Physical Preparedness), Plyometrics, and Calisthenics combined. It's "boot-camp" style training and that's why changes are so dramatic; most people are unaccustomed to such difficult, bodyweight training.
The program uses a seven day split that includes days dedicated to yoga, kenpo karate, and stretching, so it's not all resistance training. It's very intelligently laid out but very difficult.
The program also incorporates a lot of cardio and is very metabolic in nature. This is why I feel confident that - apart from helping me establish basic physical fitness - combined with daily cardio, it will help me lose weight.
Speaking of cardio, I recently developed a neuroma in my left foot (ironically enough caused by spending too much time on the stairmaster!) and an unable to run right now. Fortunately, I have a pool and I plan to swim laps everyday for 30 minutes a day. This should also help with fat loss.
As for diet, I plan to eat a maximum of 2500 kcal per day broken down into a 40% Protein, 40% Carb, 20% Fat approach. This equals 250 grams of protein and carbs and 55 grams of fat per day. Protein will be clean (i.e. lean meat, fish, and poultry) and carbs will be low glycemic (i.e. fruits and veggies). I will not eat any rice, bread, or pasta for 6 months. Nor will I eat any junkfood or sweets.
As for physical stats, I will be posting these shortly, but I can tell you that I weigh approximately 295 lbs. measure 6'2" and have a 53.5" waist.
I am waiting to get closer to my start date before I post actual stats and "before" pictures.
I intend to begin on 1/5/09.
I agree that there's no better time like the present to get started, but I have struggled with my fitness all of my life and I have failed too many times before. This effort represents an all-out commitment on my part. I have taken the time to prepare psychologically in order to have as much "lift off" energy and momentum as possible. Too many times I've said to myself, "I'll get back to gym and start my diet today" only to quit halfway through the week. I simply did not have enough emotional energy invested in order to succeed. Now, my back is against the wall; either I succeed, or I risk a very public embarassment.
I hope to set more detailed, specific training goals as I learn more about the program. There are some things that seem especially challenging and, hence, I'm not sure how to set goals for. For instance, the yoga poses seem very, very difficult and I may not know what to shoot for until training is well underway.
Thanks for taking interest in my little blog and I assure you that you will see an amazing transformation in the coming months. I would love any feedback or suggestions you may have. God knows I need all the help I can get! Thanks, Daniel!
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