Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 32 - Under 290

DAY 32/90
Phase 2, Week 5, Routine 4
Yoga X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 289.6 lbs - Loss 12 - %Loss 3.98%


Finally under 290 lbs. Weight seems to be dropping at a good, steady pace. I hope this keeps up.

It was freezing cold this morning is South Florida (55 degrees!!!) and the morning walk on the beach was rough! It was windy and cold, but I still put my hour in and I'm pleased. The afternoon Yoga workout went well, but I didn't meet my goal of completing all the Asanas. I keep getting stuck at the behind-the-back grab Triangle Pose. I simply can't clasp my hands. I stopped the workout there, but looking back, I should have modified the pose and moved on. I feel I'm not yet ready for the balance poses, but I should be able to handle the remaining asanas or a variation thereof.

Diet was clean and managed to eat 5 square meals. I can't believe I'm only averaging 2000 calories a day.

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