Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Analysis of Failure

After the dismal failure that has been the past 6 days, I've decided to do something I've never done before: deeply analyze the cause (and effect) of said failure in the hopes of never repeating it again.


After working, training, and dieting consistently well for most of the month and, by-the-way, revisiting a prior best in weight loss (236.8 lbs), I somehow managed to wreck it all after a stressful day at work.

A hurried drive home and a minor "road rage" incident (indication of stress?), I got home on edge and bothered by a nagging pain in the neck and upper back that I've been dealing with since my last Chiropractic adjustment (cause for concern?).

I briefly stared at a small cookie jar on the kitchen counter with several Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Almond bars in it. After a few seconds, I decided I deserved a little treat as I have been good lately and needed a break from the constant dieting.

Well, needless to say, that one treat turned into three, three turned into five, and five turned into an all-out binge on peppermint candies in front of the TV for an hour!


I've been binging on junk-food non-stop since last Friday.

I've ravaged everything from ice-cream to pizza, to burgers, fries, and shakes.

I put on 6 pounds over the weekend alone! I've since stopped weighing myself out of shear terror.

Strong pangs of guilt are quickly replaced by pangs of hunger.

While I concede that the past 3 months have been a challenge, I never quite regained the focus I had throughout most of the first 7 months of the year when I managed to lose nearly 65 pounds.

Since injuring my back, I've been training in "fits and starts" and, consequently, progress has stalled.

Though the emphasis has shifted to rehabilitating my back, the basic goals of optimal fat loss and improved fitness remain unchanged.


Not scheduling/tracking my meals made it easy to "sneak" an unplanned treat.

Succumbing to an unplanned treat absolved me of any accountability, thus other treats became just as easily "welcomed."

The "snowball" effect spiralled out of control and my self-control "muscles" were too weak to put an end to it before the damage was already done.

Temptation is all around, and the pleasures afforded by sweets and snacks are too great to combat against when the will is compromised.

A daily, renewed focus and commitment to the final objective is necessary each and every day in order to "win the day." The "armor" must be donned each and every day to guard against temptation.


3 months remain in the year.

Goals can still be achieved if I dedicate myself to strict discipline and focus.


To keep things as simple as possible, I've boiled-down my goals to the following:

1. Lose 30 pounds.

2. Do 1 perfect pull-up.

3. Do 50 push-ups.

4. Rehab my lower back.


I've learned of a great technique developed by (of all people) Jerry Seinfeld. It's called "The Chain of X's." It's a simple, yet effective way to help establish positive habits in one's life. According to Jerry, he credits his success as a comic to this method. In a nutshell, you mark your calendar with a big, red 'X' every day you successfully accomplish a given task. In his case, he'd give himself an 'X' every day he'd write material for at least an hour. In my case, I've determined to give myself an 'X' every day that I,

1. Write my goals.

2. Train twice daily with at least 30 minutes of rehab work in the morning and at least 1 hour of exercise in the evenings.

3. Stick to my diet by scheduling/tracking all of my meals.

The goal is simple: I will earn an 'X' each and every day for the next 3 months.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

100 Day Mark!

Wow, can't believe there's only 100 days left before New Year's in NYC! I've really begun to buckle down the last few days and I'm determined to meet my goals despite the recent setbacks and injuries. I'm slowly learning to how to work around my injuries, how not to see them as limitations but, rather, as motivation to push me further along.

On the injury front, my lower back has felt fantastic! I'd say I'm back to, maybe, 95%, with only occassional discomfort and what not. However, on sadder news, I've been feeling a lot of discomfort in my upper back ever since my last Chiropractic adjustment. I don't want to blame my chiropractor yet, but I'm begining to worry...

I'm getting back in my groove with training and diet. I've got 37 pounds to lose in three and a half months, so I better get busy!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

On Elusive Self-Discipline

Discipline and consistency have been very elusive in my life. Because of this, I continue to struggle with an identity and self-esteem crisis even at age 33. As Stephen Covey puts it:

"...if you don't know yourself, if you don't control yourself, if you don't have mastery over yourself, it's very hard to like yourself, except in some short-term, psych-up, superficial way.
Real self-respect comes from dominion over self, from true independence."
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Too frequently I choose emotions over principles, impulses over commitments, pleasure over very necessary hard work. I simply haven't developed my self-discipline "muscles" enough. I'm sure we all struggle with this, but my lack of self-control impacts every aspect of my life.

We often believe that our goals and desires will be fulfilled at some distant, undefined, "fuzzy" time in the future; that we'll get ourselves "together" enough someday and somehow - magically - do whatever's necessary to achieve the desired result. But, that's utter nonsense! The hard work and discipline must begin now! It must be applied to all facets of one's life in order to live life with integrity and self-accountability. We simply cannot accept anything less than our best each and every one of the very limited days we have on this Earth. Make sure you commit yourself to working every day on the things that matter most to you - those things that will, incrementally, get you one step closer to where you want to be.

- Pete

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Workout Goals & Results 7/9

DAY 65/178
Week 3 - Rehab
Weight lbs - Loss 0 - %Loss 0%




1. NO cheat meals -
2. ~2100 kcals -
3. 1 gallon grean tea and/or water -
4. Log all my meals -
5. Take all my vitamins and supplements -


AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. -

PM: 60 min Rehab -
60 min Cardio -

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Workout Goals & Results 7/8

DAY 64/178
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241.2 lbs - Loss 60.4 - %Loss 20%




1. NO cheat meals - MET
2. ~2100 kcals/day spread - MET
3. 1 gallon grean tea and/or water - MET
4. Log all my meals - MET
5. Take all my vitamins and supplements - MET


AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. - MET

PM: 45 min Chest/Back/Arms - MET
60 min Cardio - MET

Very good day today. Really kept on top of my diet and training. Did 15 minutes of Swimmers followed by about 10 minutes of Standing Reverse Hypers in the pool. The swimmers felt good, except I could really feel the injured area "working" while I extended my right leg above water. I cut the hypers a little short because I chose to listen to my body. What was it saying you ask? "Stop!" it said. I never felt any pain, but I could just feel that I had had enough.

Update & Goals for Week 3

DAY 64/178
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241.2 lbs - Loss 60.4 - %Loss 20%


Rehab was going well until last Wednesday when I experienced a slight setback. I was feeling so good, I couldn't believe it. I was seeing just how well the rehab exercises were working and I decided to push myself a little harder. Unfortunately, my back didn't like that very much and it let me know it the next morning with some very strange hip pain. I hadn't felt that before and figured it might be some form of sciatica. However, my chiropractor told me it indicated an SI joint issue. Who knows?

All I know is that it frustrated the heck out of me. I was afraid to go back to the gym for the rest of the week. Luckily the diet suffered only a minor setback last night when I caved in to cravings and made a late night dash to Checkers for one of their burgers and shakes! :0( Bad idea!

I'm tired of the yo-yo dieting and the on-again, off-again training! I'm comitted to hitting 230 lbs by the end of September and I wan't to begin a pull-up progression and all-around upper body conditioning program in earnest.

Here then, are my goals for the week:


1. Weigh 237 by Monday, 9/14/09


1. NO cheat meals
2. ~2100 kcals/day
3. 1 gallon grean tea and/or water per day


Bird Dog 5x35
Bridges 5 1.5-minute holds
Plank 5 1-minute holds

Here's my training schedule for the week:

Monday.........AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Mobility/Cardio
Tuesday......AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Chest/Back/Arms/Cardio
Wednesday...AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Mobility/Cardio
Thursday.....AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Chest/Back/Arms/Cardio
Friday...........AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Mobility/Cardio
Saturday......AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Chest/Back/Arms/Cardio
Sunday.........PM: Mobility/Cardio

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Comeback!!!

DAY 48/178
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 244.8 lbs - Loss 56.8 - %Loss 18.8%


Well, I had an MRI done last week. It confirmed what I had feared all along...I have a herniated disc at L5-S1. It would be a huge understatement to say I've been depressed for the past 8 or 9 days. I felt my fitness and strength goals slipping right through my fingers. I felt lost. I felt angry. I took my frustrations out with food, binging on everything I could get my hands on, subsequently putting on over 8 pounds.

Hearing the doctors tell me to stay away from my beloved squats and deadlifts was like hearing a death sentence imposed by a angry judge. They weren't interested in hearing of my goals or of how beneficial those exercises are to general health and well-being. Their only concern is that I don't make a mess of things and be left with surgery as the only option.

In times like these, I do what I always do - immerse myself in research. I've read just about everything I could find on disc injuries and rehabilitation. I spoke to every veteran gym rat and seeminly knowledgeable trainer. I've consulted with my great chiropractor who's suffered three herniations himself and continues to practice Gracie Jui-Jitsu at age 50. Still, the lack of quality information or consensus on causes and cures has left me feeling more confused and desperate. That is, until today.

I woke up with the intense need to be proactive; to take whatever steps I can to correct the situation as best I could. I've heard from the damning: "You're best off if you steer clear of any heavy weights for the rest of your life. You don't want to f&#!k your back up any more than it already's the only one you have!" -- to the inspirational: "Heck, Louie Simmons wrecked his back several times and the old guy continues to move BIG IRON. It's no big deal! Just do lots of reverse hypers and you'll be fine!!" Regardless, I'm not content to sit on my butt hoping one day I'll be well enough to pick my future children up from the floor, content to have my wife do all the "heavy lifting" for fear that "daddy might throw his back out!" No way! No how! I'm grabbing this bull by the horns and I'm making it my bi&#h!

I've developed a 19 week rehabilitation and fitness plan that should see me shed 40+ pounds, pack on a little muscle, and, hopefully, heal my back enough to allow me to continue training safely. In many ways, I'm better off than most in my situation since I am not now, nor have I ever been, in any significant pain. Except for a few days with a very sore and stiff lower back, I have been, for all intents-and-purposes, fine - free of sciatica and what-not. But seeing that nasty bulge in the MRI tells me otherwise.

There is a long road ahead...wish me luck...

PLAN 8/24/09-12/31/09
Purpose: Rehabilitation of my lower back (with the express goal of healing the L5-S1 disc herniation), continued fat loss, increasing overall strength and conditioning.

1. Split the next 19 weeks into three 4-week phases and a final 7-week phase. Each successive phase will emphasize increased intensity, frequency, volume, and difficulty of (mostly) bodyweight exercises, static and dynamic stretches, and yoga routines.

2. The primary goal is to rehab the lower back injury and hopefully return to heavy weightlifting next year.

Phase 1: Weeks 1-4 (8/24/09-9/20/09) -- Introductory Phase

1. AM: 30 min. to 1 hour of Hydrotherapy 6x/week
2. PM: MWF: 1 hour of rehab stretching, mobility, core training:
Bird Dog
Contralateral Hyperextensions
Trunk Hypers
Side Planks
Swiss Ball Bounces
Poses: Cobra, Sun Salutation Backbend, Yoga Twists, Side Twists, etc.
3. TuThSa: 1 hour of bodyweight upperbody exercises
4. 1 hour of treadmill walking 6x/week (low speed, high incline to reduce impact)

Phase 2: Weeks 5-8 (9/21/09-10/18/09) -- Adaptation Phase

1. AM: 30 min. to 1 hour of Hydrotherapy 6x/week
2. PM: M-Sa: 1 hour of rehab stretching, mobility, and core training 6x/week
3. Add more challenging rehab and bodyweight exercises. Add lower body exercises.
4. 1 hour of treadmill walking 6x/week (low speed, high incline to reduce impact)

Phase 3: Weeks 9-12 (10/19/09-11/15/09) -- Advanced Phase

1. AM: 30 min. to 1 hour of Hydrotherapy 6x/week
2. PM: M-Sa: 1 hour of rehab stretching, mobility, and core training 6x/week
3. Total body bodyweight training
4. Include Yoga 3x/week.
5. Begin Spinning classes for accelerated fat loss

Phase 4: Weeks 13-19 (11/16/09-12/31/09) -- Mastery Phase

1. Twice daily intensive Yoga 6x/week
2. Bodyweight training with some weight-bearing exercises such as weighted hyperextensions
3. Spinning classes for accelerated fat loss

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bad News: L5-S1 Compression!

DAY 35/178
Phase 1, Week 6
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 239.4 lbs - Loss 62.2 - %Loss 20.6%


Well, I officially f*%!ed up my back during that leg workout I had on 7/31. I spent most of last week layed-up on the couch with a bag of frozen peas on my back. I was definitely scared, especially because it had appeared that I was getting better. The injury also seemed strange because I kept good form and was lifting very light weight. But I spent the night prior to the workout intensely stretching and adjusting myself and, I suspect, this led to weak, tender back muscles that needed more R&R and not excessive, unnecessary strain. Regardless, I could barely get out of bed the next day. This was particularly discouraging since I had never had this happen to me even after my original injury back in March. Never once did I miss a workout, lose sleep, or need extended bed rest until now.

This pain lasted for most of the week, until my girlfriend gave me the number of a Chiropractor she sees often. She highly recommended him and told me how treatments had cured her Sciatica years ago. I figured I had nothing to lose and decided to make an appointment. Boy, am I glad I did!!!!

I am now a total convert to the power of Chiropractic care! Far from quacks, these guys can really make all the difference in the world in terms of the health of the spine. My first visit, I walked into the clinic limping and slouched-over in pain; I walked out limber, alert, and pain-free! I couldn't believe it! I felt so good, I went back the next day for another adjustment and another round of ultrasound therapy. Right now, as I write this, I feel fantastic! Apart from a little stiffness, the general discomfort and pain I've been grappling with for the past 4 months is gone!!!

But the news isn't all good. The x-rays revealed compression at the L5-S1 disk and this came as a total shock. I literally slumped in my chair as the doctor went over the x-rays. I felt even worse after he told me I needed to lay off heavy weight training while my back heals. But I was encouraged by the fact that recovery is possible.

Now I have to revisit my goals and my training program. Squats and deadlifts are out, and bodyweight exercises and abdominal training are in - at least for now. I have to really focus on continued fat-loss as the extra weight is putting too much pressure on my lower back. I've got to strengthen my body overall and emphasize total recovery.

I will be developing a new training program and will be experimenting with new exercises and training methods in the gym this week. The goals are basically the same - fat loss, strength gains - but the way I exercise will have to be different.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Workout Goals & Results 7/31

DAY 25/178
Phase 1, Week 4
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 239 lbs - Loss 62.6 - %Loss 20.7%




1. NO cheat meals -
2. 250 grams of protein in under ~2500 kcals/day spread among 5 or more meals - UNMET
3. 1 gallon grean tea and/or water -
4. Log all my meals -
5. Take all my vitamins and supplements -


AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. - UNMET

A1.Front Squat: 115x6x2, 95x6x1
A2. Lunges: BWx12
A3. Goblet Squats: 25x25
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

A1. 45-Degree Incline DB Press: 70x6, 65x6x2
A2. Flat DB Press: 55x12
A3. Incline Push-up: BWx25
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)


Bad news. I hurt my back again while doing front squats. I didn't even get past the warm up. I'm not sure how bad it is, but I had to lay on the ground and adjust myself in the middle of the gym! It could be all the exercises and adjustments I did last night before bed. When I woke up, my back felt tender but the usual discomfort was gone. Perhaps my back was too tender for weight lifting. I felt the pain as I was coming up from a front squat. I tried to emphasize an upright posture, but this may have placed too much stress on my lower back. I cut the workout short...felt really bummed.

Back Under 240! New Goal!

DAY 25/178
Phase 1, Week 4
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 239 lbs - Loss 62.6 - %Loss 20.7%


Finally! Back under 240! I couldn't believe the scale this morning...very close to my all-time low of 238.8 lbs. I've tried moving away from an emphasis on weight and towards a more "holistic" approach that focuses on fat loss and lean mass gain. But it's so much easier to rest your hopes on moving digits on a bathroom scale than having to deal with all the guesswork that goes with bodyfat percentages, water retention, and the like. I need to develop weekly goals that take bodyfat and lean mass into consideration. But how do I go about doing that?

I've read that it's reasonable to expect reductions in bodyfat of 1/2% per week. But how to you accurately gauge if you were indeed successful? I can measure my waist every week. But how much can you really drop in a week? Again, how accurate or predictable would the results be? See? That's the challenge of doing things "the right way."

Maybe I can stipulate that I will strive to lose 2 lbs per week or, barring any change in weight, I could consider a measurable, positive change in bodyfat% or waist size as evidence of a successful week. It seems a little "fuzzy," but that may ultimately be the only way to go: If I'm not getting stronger, leaner, or lighter, then it's time to change things up.

Yet I'm still very, very heavy. My bodyfat % is approximately 26%. I can still stand to lose - healthily - another 40+ lbs. So, maybe it's still O.K. to continue to expect a steady loss of bodyweight. That is, so long as I continue to bust my butt in the gym and get plenty of to prevent muscle loss at all cost!!!

So, I've decided I will make it a goal to hit 230 before the end of August. At almost 2 lbs per week, it seems like a reasonable goal.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Workout Goals & Results 7/30

DAY 24/178
Phase 1, Week 4
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241 lbs - Loss 60.6 - %Loss 20%


I can't believe my weight has not budged. I thought all the recent cheat meals, high-carb meals, etc., would have qualified as a "refeed" and my metabolism would have jump-started by now. Maybe it's because I spend so much of my day sitting down, sedentary in front of a computer that I'm not burning enough calories?

I'm not going to change anything this week (except for adding the fat-burning pills), but if I don't lose at least 1 measly little pound by Monday morning, I'm going to have to reevaluate what I'm doing.



1. NO cheat meals - MET
2. 250 grams of protein in under ~2500 kcals/day spread among 5 or more meals - UNMET
3. 1 gallon grean tea and/or water - UNMET
4. Log all my meals - MET
5. Take all my vitamins and supplements - MET


AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. - UNMET (rain out)

Metabolic Effect:
GOAL: Complete both combinations:

A1. Thrusters: 30x10 - MET (rest-pause)
(*no rest)
A2. Burpees: BWx12 - MET (rest-pause)
(*75 sec rest)
(*Repeat 3x)

B1. Hang Clean to Push Press: 95x6 - UNMET
(*no rest)
B2. 3-Way DB Swing: 30x15 RT. Arm, 30x15 LT. Arm, 30x15 Both - UNMET
(*75 sec rest)
(*Repeat 3x)


Had a decent workout today. Having trouble getting all the lifts done in under an hour. Spent a few minutes warming up, 20 minutes on the 4-way neck machine, 25 minutes to complete the first combo, and that was it! The combo was absolutely brutal. For the first time, I was able to keep a pretty good pace through the first two circuits but after that, I was toast! I also started feeling some pain in my back again and, while doing some decline sit-ups, talked to an older guy at the gym who really seemed to know his stuff about back pain. He began listing all my symptoms without me even mentioning them to him. As you can imagine, he got my attention. He said that, given my symptoms, I most likely injured a nerve in my back. He said the only cures are prolonged rest (out of the question right now) and continued weight loss to relieve pressure on my back (precisely what I'm trying to do right now). He also recommended that I take some anti-inflammatory medicine, and so I popped 200mg of Celebrex as soon as I got home. I sure hope he's right.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Workout Goals & Results 7/29

DAY 23/178
Phase 1, Week 4
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241 lbs - Loss 60.6 - %Loss 20%


Weight is still frozen at 241 lbs. Very frustrating. I've chosen to kick up the morning swims a notch and start actually SWIMMING instead of doing just the rehab work.

I'm also thinking of cutting down my breakfast further. I fear I eat way too much for breakfast and I can easily go for hours before eating my next meal. Not good. I may even start up with the ECA stack pills and risk those horrible cramps again. I simply need to start making some serious progress.

Today's goals:


1. NO cheat meals - MET
2. 250 grams of protein in under ~2500 kcals/day spread among 5 or more meals - UNMET
3. 1 gallon grean tea and/or water - MET
4. Log all my meals - MET

A1. High Rack Pull: 365x6 - MET
A2. Romanian Deadlift: 155x12 - MET
A3. Hyperextensionns: BWx25 - UNMET
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

A1. Supported T-Bar Row: 95x6 (1st set) - UNMET
A2. Dumbell Row: 80x12 - MET (1st set)
A3. Asst. Pull-up: 220x25 (get first 20 w/o pause) - MET (first 25!)
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)


Pretty good workout today. Gym was so busy, I couldn't follow my routine exactly so I had to improvise a bit. Still, a pretty good workout. Met a major goal on the Rack Pull...back felt a little bit "tweaky" but well enough to hit a new best since my back injury.

Also started the ECA stack today (took 2 pills) and, fortunately, didn't experience any cramps...just felt really "buzzed" throughout the entire workout!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Workout Goals & Results 7/28

DAY 22/178
Phase 1, Week 4
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241 lbs - Loss 60.6 - %Loss 20%


Won't be able to get all my protein in today. Given the lack of training lately, I doubt my body needs the extra calories. I've chosen to let hunger decide when to eat and not force-feed myself today.

I'll try to get some of the chest work I missed yesterday done today. I'll do that before my metabolic work. And speaking of metabolic work, I'm still trying to complete both combos back-to-back. Not an easy task, and it's made that much more difficult with the added chest work.

I'm also concerned about doing the hang cleans. It seems like explosive lifting aggravates my lower back injury. The past couple of days my back has felt fantastic and it'd be a shame to aggravate it now. I guess it'll be a "game time decision" whether or not I'll do cleans.

Here are my goals for today:

1. Eat 250 grams of protein - UNMET
2. Drink 1 gallon of tea/water - UNMET
3. Take all supplements - MET

Today's Workout Plan:

A1. 45-Degree Incline DB Press: 65x6 - MET (1st set)
A2. Flat DB Press: 55x12 - MET (1st set)
A3. Incline Push-up: BWx25 - MET (1st set)
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

Metabolic Effect:
**GOAL: Complete both combinations
A1. Thrusters: 30x10 - UNMET
(*no rest)
A2. Burpees: BWx12 - UNMET
(*75 sec rest)
(*Repeat 3x)
B1. Hang Clean to Push Press: 95x6
(*no rest)
B2. 3-Way DB Swing: 30x15 RT. Arm, 30x15 LT. Arm, 30x15 Both
(*75 sec rest)
(*Repeat 3x)


Had a strange workout today. I didn't do most of the things I set out to accomplish today, but I somehow managed to get a pretty good workout in. I still felt weak and tired and held back on the exercises. Managed only 1 circuit of chest exercises before I realized I was falling behind timewise. Next, I jumped on the treadmill for 30 minutes instead of my usual 60, and attempted the first metabolic combo. At this point I had worked-up a pretty good sweat. I did only 1 set and jumped on the decline ab bench and pumped out 100 reps. My lower back felt good and the sharp pains on the lower right side were gone.

Lesson learned: I need to manage my time in the gym better. I'm limiting my workouts to 2 hours (1 hour resistance/metabolic & 1 hour cardio). I must be sure to get all the resistance work done within that first hour.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Workout Goals & Results 7/27

DAY 21/178
Phase 1, Week 4
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241 lbs - Loss 60.6 - %Loss 20%


My goals for today:

1. Eat 250 grams of protein - UNMET
2. Drink 1 gallon of tea/water - UNMET
3. Take all supplements - MET

A1.Front Squat: 115x6x2, 95x6x1 - UNMET: 115x4, 115x2
A2. Lunges: BWx12 - UNMET: BWx12x2
A3. Goblet Squats: 25x25 - UNMET: 25x25x2
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

A1. 45-Degree Incline DB Press: 65x6 - UNMET
A2. Flat DB Press: 55x12 - UNMET
A3. Incline Push-up: BWx25 - UNMET
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

Treadmill walk 1 HOUR @ 65% MAX HR - UNMET

*Had a terrible workout today. Felt like crap...didn't sleep well last night and had aches in both knees. I decided to suck it up and live to train another day and cut the workout short. Not happy about that.

Week 4 Goals and Training Schedule

DAY 21/178
Phase 1, Week 4
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241 lbs - Loss 60.6 - %Loss 20%


The goal is to get back on track and continue making progress in the gym. The 3 days off this weekend should help with recovery and I expect to be stronger this week.

Here then are my goals this week:


1. Weigh 237 by Monday, 8/3/09


1. NO cheat meals
2. 250 grams of protein per day in the fewest calories possible ~2500 kcals/day spread among 5 or more meals
3. 1 gallon grean tea and/or water per day


A1.Front Squat: 115x6 (sets 1 & 2).........Current: 115x4 (1st set)
A2. Lunges: BWx12.............................Current: BWx12
A3. Goblet Squats: 25x25
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

A1. 45-Degree Incline DB Press: 65x6...Current: 60x6
A2. Flat DB Press: 55x12.......................Current: 50x12
A3. Incline Push-up: BWx25..................Current: BWx25
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

A1. High Rack Pull: 365x6................Current: 315x6
A2. Romanian Deadlift: 155x12.........Current: 135x12
A3. Hyperextensionns: BWx25............Current: BWx25
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

A1. Supported T-Bar Row: 95x6 (1st set).........Current: 90x6
A2. Dumbell Row: 80x12 ................................Current: 75x12
A3. Asst. Pull-up: 220x25 (get first 20 w/o pause)....Current: 220x25 (1st 15)
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

Metabolic Effect:
**GOAL: Complete both combinations
A1. Thrusters: 30x10..............Current: 30x10
(*no rest)
A2. Burpees: BWx12.............Current: BWx12
(*75 sec rest)
(*Repeat 3x)

B1. Hang Clean to Push Press: 95x6........Current: 95x6
(*no rest)
B2. 3-Way DB Swing: 30x15 RT. Arm, 30x15 LT. Arm, 30x15 Both
(*75 sec rest)
(*Repeat 3x)

Here's my training schedule for the week:

Monday.........AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Quads/Chest/Cardio
Tuesday......AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Metabolic Pairings/Cardio
Wednesday...AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Hamstrings/Back/Cardio
Thursday.....AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Metabolic Pairings/Cardio
Friday...........AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Quads/Chest/Cardio
Saturday......AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Hamstrings/Back/Cardio

A Stumble...

DAY 21/178
Phase 1, Week 4
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241 lbs - Loss 60.6 - %Loss 20%


It seems strange now reading over my last post. Everything seemed to be going so well, but boy what a difference a couple of days can make! Things took a turn for the worse on Friday and they stayed that way throughout the entire weekend.

I missed Friday and Saturday's workouts and cheated on my diet. We're talking ice-cream, cookies, and - dare I say it? - Coca Cola!!! Not very pleased with myself right now. About the only bright spot is that my weight hasn't changed much at all (at least since I last weighed myself yesterday morning).

A minor emergency ocurred on Friday and I regrettably decided to miss the workout. Well, this kept snowballing day after day and I kept finding excuses NOT to go to the gym and instead sit home and indulge.

I need to learn from this little setback, re-focus myself, and commit to never repeating it again. That's it!!! No more missed workouts for the remaining 10 weeks on this program. No more cheating on my diet. No more excuses!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Week 3 Progress Thus Far

DAY 16/178
Phase 1, Week 3
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241.2 lbs - Loss 60.4 - %Loss 20%


So far, the week has progressed beautifully. Training has been intense and I've given 110% in the gym. Sometimes I get the feeling I'm the only one "bustin' my rump" in the gym, but that's a subject for another post. I have made progress in the gym and I'm looking forward to pushing myself even harder when I get in there tonight. All this, while trying to rehab an injured back! Not bad.

As for my back, it has felt fantastic today! Apart from a little ache hear and there, I could tell that yesterday's workout and this morning's water therapy have really helped. I tried decline sit ups for 100 reps (brutal!), but I forced myself to work through the back pain and it seemed to pay off; my back feels more limber than it has in the nearly three months since I injured it. I also tried this neat stretching machine that really targets the lower back:

But today I really get to test my back as I plan on hitting some new PRs in the Rack Pull and Romanian Deadlift. Let's see if I'm able to get out of bed tomorrow!

Diet has been on the spot, too! Getting plenty of protein, drinking plenty of water/green tea, and staying away from carbs. But for some reason I've been gaining weight. I'm not too worried about it yet, but it's frustrating to put that much hard work only to see the scale move in the wrong direction!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week 3 Goals & Training Schedule

DAY 13/178
Phase 1, Week 2
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 240.4 lbs - Loss 61.2 - %Loss 20.3%


Time to take big steps forward. My primary aim this week is to produce consistent, quality work in the gym and I want the results to show on the scale and on the tape measure. This means, no more missed workouts, no more "half-assed" workouts, and no more cheating on my diet. NO EXCUSES!!

Here then are my goals this week:


1. 238 lbs. Drop ~2.5 lbs


1. NO cheat meals
2. 250 grams of protein per day in the fewest calories possible ~2500 kcals/day spread among 5 or more meals
3. 1 gallon grean tea and/or water per day


A1.Front Squat: 115x6 (1st set).........Current: 95x6
A2. Lunges: BWx12.............................Current: BWx12
A3. Goblet Squats: 25x25
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

A1. 45-Degree Incline DB Press: 60x6...Current: 60x6
A2. Flat DB Press: 50x12.......................Current: ?
A3. Incline Push-up: BWx25..................Current: ?
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

A1. High Rack Pull: 315x6................Current: 275x6
A2. Romanian Deadlift: 155x12.........Current: 135x12
A3. Hyperextensionns: BWx25............Current: BWx25
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

A1. Supported T-Bar Row: 95x6 (1st set).........Current: 90x6
A2. Dumbell Row: 75x12 ................................Current: 70x12
A3. Asst. Pull-up: 220x25 (get first 15 w/o pause)....Current: 220x25
(*30 sec rest between exercise)
(*Repeat 3x)

Metabolic Effect:
**GOAL: Complete both combinations
A1. Thrusters: 30x10..............Current: 30x10
(*no rest)
A2. Burpees: BWx12.............Current: BWx12
(*75 sec rest)
(*Repeat 3x)

B1. Hang Clean to Push Press: 95x6........Current: 95x6
(*no rest)
B2. 3-Way DB Swing: 30x15 RT. Arm, 30x15 LT. Arm, 30x15 Both
(*75 sec rest)
(*Repeat 3x)

Here's my training schedule for the week:

Monday.........AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Quads/Chest/Cardio
Tuesday......AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Metabolic Pairings/Cardio
Wednesday...AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Hamstrings/Back/Cardio
Thursday.....AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Metabolic Pairings/Cardio
Friday...........AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Quads/Chest/Cardio
Saturday......AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Hamstrings/Back/Cardio

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rocky Start

DAY 12/178
Phase 1, Week 2
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241.6 lbs - Loss 260 - %Loss 19.9%


I'm off to a rocky start and the primary cause was my failure to plan. That old saying rings true: "when you fail to plan, you plan to fail." I did not prepare an action plan nor list my goals before leaving to Key West. I simply figured that the momentum would carry me onto this new leg of my journey. That is partly true: I do, in fact, feel mentally "there" - constantly thinking about my fitness and where I want to be at year's end. But making this up as I've gone along for the past two weeks, has left me feeling a little lost and unfocused, like I don't have anything to really shoot for. By contrast, the last couple of months before Key West, my focus was razor-sharp; I knew precisely what steps had to be taken and when. Weekly and daily goals, if not explicitly stated, were deeply internalized and meaningful. I knew I had to lose "X" amount of pounds if I wanted to weigh "Y" by week's end.

Perhaps it is that low-level, granular approach...the daily, hourly, minute-by-minute goals that keep us on track - the so-called "microgoals." Anyhow, I must get back on track. I must find whatever it was that gave me that sense of focus. I cannot afford more wasted time.

With this in mind, I've updated my goals and made them much more specific. If you click the link labeled "goals," you'll see that I've set performance goals that more closely match the training program I'm currently following. But this is only the first step. I plan to set weekly performance and nutrition goals that I will monitor on this blog daily or near-daily. Whatever it takes to make myself accountable to myself.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Another week, another opportunity for us to get closer to our goals. Here then, are my goals for Week#2:

1. Drop 4 pounds to 240 lbs. Most of this will be water weight I'm still carrying from the Key West trip.

1. Barbell Front Squat: 105x6, 95x6, 95x6

2. High Rack Pull: 275x6x3

3. Asst. Pull-Up: 220x25x3

4. Thrusters: 35x10x3

5. Hang Clean to Push Press: 95x6x3

6. 15 minutes of Reverse Hypers in the pool followed by 15 minutes of HITT Swim Laps everyday.

1. 250 grams of protein spread among 5 meals per day at no more than 2500 kcals per day.

2. 1 gallon of green tea/water per day.

3. 4 Tablespoons of Fish oil per day.

4. Consume all other supplements.

Here's my training schedule for the week:

Monday.........AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Quads/Chest/Cardio
Tuesday......AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Metabolic Pairings/Cardio
Wednesday...AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Hamstrings/Back/Cardio
Thursday.....AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Metabolic Pairings/Cardio
Friday..........AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Quads/Chest/Cardio
Saturday.....AM: Swim/Rehab 30 min. PM: Hamstrings/Back/Cardio

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Next Mission: New Year's Eve in Times Square!!!

OK, so I'm obviously brimming with pride in those pictures taken in Key West. They represent the culmination of 6 months of hard effort replete with many ups, downs, setbacks, fits and starts. But, ultimately, I stuck with it and worked towards my goal and gained a great sense of accomplishment on that beautiful, sunny day. Now is time to turn my attention to the next phase of my transformation: New Year's Eve in Times Square!

Over the next 173 days, I've set as a goal to lose another 30 pounds of fat, while gaining 10 pounds of lean mass. I will split the next 6 months into two phases. In phase I, I will follow Charles Poliquin's German Body Composition (GBC) program which emphasizes fat loss while maintaining - or even increasing - lean mass. For phase II, I plan on being done with my fat-loss efforts and will focus primarily on strength training.

I had set as a goal to take a picture of myself shirtless in Key West but, alas, I was not in good enough shape for that - I chose to spare y'all. Not so for NYC. I plan on being sufficiently lean enough and fit enough to strip the winter wear in the freezing cold long enough to take have a picture taken while striking a "double biceps" pose. How's that for a goal?

Friday, July 3, 2009

24 Hours to Go!

DAY 179/180

Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 238.4 lbs - Loss 63.2 - %Loss 21%


Can't believe there are less than 24 hours left. I'm packing my bags and will be leaving tomorrow. I will eat everything in sight when I get to Key West! I can't wait!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lessons on Metabolism and My First 5k

DAY 175/180

Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 239.0 lbs - Loss 62.6 - %Loss 21%


It's often the case that when panic sets in, plans get thrown out the window. It was no different with me. Seeing that massive weight loss was necessary just to come close to my original goal weight of 220 pounds, I dropped all resistance training, changed my diet to only two meals per day, and went absolutely nuts with 2-a-day cardio. This was a grave mistake and I should've known better.

Thanks to a personal trainer friend of mine, the mysterious cause of my stalled weight loss has been revealed: my metabolism has come to a screeching halt. My weight has hovered in the low 240s for most of June despite doing brutal Spinning classes and eating 1700-1800 calories per day. She told me that dropping the weights from my routine meant that I probably lost muscle, and combined with the 2 meals per day, my metabolism had no doubt slowed. And, you know what? She was right! Two days ago, I had an extra meal (just a handful of walnuts and olives) and gained 2 pounds the next day! My body simply wasn't burning fuel efficiently. It is truly amazing how the body works.

As for muscle, I trained with weights today in metabolic fashion (high reps, low rest), and was shocked at how weak I've gotten. I had trouble pulling 50 pound dumbells off the rack! My arms look skinny and I get tired easily. For this reason, I've decided to begin working with weights again and try to increase my meals to 5 per day. Right now, it seems I won't even meet the 235 pound goal I set 14 weeks ago, but there's nothing I can do except make appropriate changes and continue trying my best.

On a lighter note, I've decided on the best possible activity for my July 4th getaway: I will run in the annual Key West 5k race!!! My very first 5k ever!!!

Running this 5k will hopefully offset any guilt (and maybe some of the calories) from eating all the junk food and liquor I plan to down while I'm there!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Finally Under 240!

DAY 171/180

Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 239.8 lbs - Loss 61.8 - %Loss 20.5%


Finally under 240 pounds! WOO HOO!!!

Used a hand-held body impedance device at the gym today. It read that I have a 24.6 BF% and 31.4 BMI. Not great, but definitely a lot better than what I started with. I'll try to have a friend at the gym perform a fat caliper test tonight to see how well it matches with the device.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Stubborn Weight

DAY 169/180

Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 240.2 lbs - Loss 61.4 - %Loss 20.3%


Weight has been stubborn lately, and it seems like I won't make 230 come July 4th. With only 11 days to go and over 10 pounds left to lose, it just doesn't seem feasible.

I'm not upset. If I manage to hit at least 235, I would have met the goal I set out for myself 14 weeks ago (see blog post entitled, "14 Week Challenge Begins!" in the March Archives). What's more, losing nearly 67 pounds and 22% bodyweight is certainly something to be proud of and celebrate. I can't wait for July 4th!!!

I'm still doing cardio twice daily and getting about 1800 calories a day. I try to do a morning spin class followed by and hour on the treadmill in the evening. I can't believe that eating well below maintenance and getting plenty of cardio hasn't led to more rapid fat loss. Oh well, the body has its own way of doing things I guess.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Two Weeks to GO!!!

DAY 166/180

Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241.4 lbs - Loss 60.2 - %Loss 19.9%


Wow. Only two weeks left before Key West! Can't wait!!

Weight has been stubborn this week. I've lost all of the water weight I put on last week, but haven't yet gone under 241. I hope to hit at least 239 by Monday. My training and diet have been spot on. The only part lagging is my lack of sleep...just haven't been getting enough of it...too busy. But that's gonna change. I'll be sure to "get my 8s" from now on.

I've got 1 simple goal: lose 11.4 pounds in two weeks!!!!!!!

To that end, I will do everything I can to hit 235 by next Friday and 230 by the following Friday. That's it. 11.4 pounds in two weeks. It's gonna get NASTY!!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Argh!! Water Weight Gain Sucks!

DAY 161/180

Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 244 lbs - Loss 57.6 - %Loss 19.1%


I'm amazed what you can learn when you treat your body as your "laboratory." I've learned so much about diet and exercise these last few months that to see these lessons apply themselves in my day-to-day life is simply amazing. I've learned that there's much more to fat loss than simply counting calories or cutting "bad" carbs. There's a science to food's effect on hormone levels and, consequently, to its effect on everything from mood, to sleep patterns, and even water retention. I've learned that controlling one's cravings has more to do with a positive insulin balance than with any form of "willpower." I've experienced this firsthand and learned it's the reason why the chronically overweight continue to eat and eat long after their bodies have had their fill - insulin spikes keep the brain craving for more food. Once again, I've seen for myself the negative effects of poor food choices. Today, just one day after celebrating the 60th pound of fat lost, I've gained 3 pounds all on account of one mango and about two cups' worth of trail mix! That's it! Calorie-wise, I ate well below maintenance yesterday, but decided to "treat" myself to a mango after breakfast and a little trail mix in the evening. Well, that's all it took for my body to retain 3 pound's worth of water, not-to-mention, suffer a splitting headache and nausea the entire day. I felt like crap all day after eating that mango. I also slept nearly 12 hours straight and still woke up feeling groggy and disoriented. Folks, carbs are evil! Period!

As for my all-around efforts this past week, despite some minor deviations from my original plan - and the subsequent gain in water weight - I am extremely proud of myself. I trained 2-a-days Mon. through Fri., ate extremely clean everyday (except Saturday), and managed to come within a hair's breadth of my goal weight. This week, I plan on following a similar plan with the express goal of getting as close to 235 as humanly possible. This all depends on how quickly I can lose the water weight gained.

So, it seems, this week will be another interesting experiment on weight loss. Following is my plan to achieve this goal:

PLAN MON. 6/15/09 - SUN. 6/21/09:

1. Train 2-a-days Mon. through Sun. Do an AM Spin class at the gym followed by an hour speed walking on the treadmill at 65% of MAX Heart Rate.

2. Eat clean and track all meals in my diet log.

3. Drink 6 oz of Orange Peel tea twice daily.

4. Drink 80 oz of Green Tea per day.

5. Get a solid 8 hours of sleep per night

Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Broke the 60lb Mark!!!

DAY 160/180

Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 241.4 lbs - Loss 60.2 - %Loss 19.9%


This morning, my new best friend - the bathroom scale - told me that I weigh 241.4 pounds. This, my friends, means that I HAVE BROKEN THE 60 POUND MARK!!!

This picture pretty much captures the way I feel right now...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stalled Weight Loss - Must Redouble My Efforts

DAY 154/180

Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 246.8 lbs - Loss 54.8 - %Loss 18.2%


I'm not pleased with the lack of weight loss this week despite good training and clean dieting. My weight has hovered around 247 pounds for over a week now. But I can only look ahead and focus on improving upon past efforts. Therefore, I have set a goal to see what I can accomplish with extreme focus and dedication for one week. My goal is to hit 241.6 by Monday, June 15th in order to mark the 60 pound loss mark. This would put me in a good position to come in at 230 or better come July 4th. Thus, the plan to achieve this goal will be the following:

PLAN MON. 6/8/09 - SUN. 6/14/09:

1. Train 2-a-days Mon. through Sun. Do an AM Spin class at the gym followed by a an hour speed walking on the threadmill at 65% MAX Heart Rate.

2. Eat clean and track all meals in my diet log.

3. Drink 6 oz of Orange Peel tea twice daily.

4. Drink 80 oz of Green Tea per day.

5. Get a solid 8 hours of sleep per night.

Lets see if following this plan strictly will result in hitting the 60 pound mark by week's end. That would surely be cause for celebration!

**NOTE** On Monday, June 8, I weighed in at 245 pounds. As I write this (Tuesday, June 9, I just weighed in at 244.4 pounds!). The weight has begun to come off again! Consequently, I have had to readjust my goals for the week; in keeping with the 5 pound loss goal, I will aim for 240 pounds by week's end.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

One Month to Go!

DAY 150/180
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 247 lbs - Loss 54.6 - %Loss 18.1%


Can't believe today marks exactly 1 month before July 4th! I'm pulling out all the stops and will bust my butt for the next 30 days! My goal is to lose at least another 20 pounds. This won't be easy, but I believe I can pull it off!

I've recently joined a newly opened LA Fitness gym just blocks from my home and absolutely love working out while checking out all the gym bunnies! I tend to hate chain gyms, but this place really rocks. It's got everything I need and then some. I had to give in and join a gym because the rainy season is in full force in South Florida! It's rained everyday for the last 3 weeks!!!

This couldn't have been a better move. I tried my first Spinning class today and was thoroughly thrashed!! Wow! I loved having a hot, fit chick yelling at me while I sweat my butt off! I felt used and abused, and loved it!! I have never done anything that intense in my life. I literally left a puddle of sweat on the floor! My clothes were completely drenched and I also couldn't believe that I was able to pretty much keep pace with the instructor the entire time. It was such an awesome and brutal workout that I've decided to incorporate it daily as part of my two-a-days. For the next four weeks I will focus on metabolic work (with a little push-up, ab, and back training thrown in for good measure) to ensure I burn as much fat as possible. I will perform two workouts per day: one will be an hour's worth of Spinning, and the other will be about 45 minutes of "moderate" treadmill speed walking.

I'm sure I can do this. I hope to weigh in at 227 come July 4th! I would only be 7 pounds off of my target weight. Not bad considering all the ups and downs experienced over the past 5 months. Wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Broke the 50 Pound Mark!!!

DAY 142/180
Kenpo X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 250 lbs - Loss 50.6 - %Loss 16.8%


Broke the 50 pound barrier today!!! Enough said...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Good Start to Week 9

DAY 141/180
Week 9/14
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 252.8 lbs - Loss 48.8 - %Loss 16.2%


Had a pretty good start to week 9. Trained Kenpo X in the morning on an empty stomach (unfortunately, I tweaked my lower back slightly during the workout), and trained chest at a friend's home gym. We did Pin Presses with a fat bar! That rocked!!!

I didn't do the standard bodyweight Chest & Back workout, but may squeeze it in later in the week to "blast the chest" a little.

Diet was clean:

5 whole eggs
2 cups Spinach
2 cups Tuna
1/2 cup Black Beans
1 large Grapefruit

4 oz Kefir Smoothie (with fish oil, coconut milk, flaxseed meal, cinnamon, cocoa powder, frozen blackberries, and unsweetened Whey protein)

2 cups Tuna (with Cayenne pepper)
1 Hard-boiled egg

*Also had about 60 oz of green tea with Resveratrol and L-Glutamine added

Monday, May 25, 2009

Bad Carbs and Week 9 Goals

DAY 141/180
Phase 9
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 252.8 lbs - Loss 48.8 - %Loss 16.2%


Took the day off on Friday and did a little cheating on my diet. I found, firsthand, that sugar is EVIL!!! Having followed a fairly strict low-carb diet, it interesting how consuming just a small amount of sugar can trigger appetite mechanisms that result in an almost uncontrollable desire to "stuff your face." It's been shown that sugars stimulate the same regions of the brain stimulated by hard drugs and, coincidentally, result in a similar "fiening" for more nutritionally deprived carbohydrates. After eating just a handful of after-dinner mints and making a trip to the grocery, I was overcome by a desire to eat every piece of junkfood in sight. Whats more, I was also overcome by a splitting headache. It's strange that when I eat clean (i.e. low-carb), I hardly ever crave junkfood, but when I let myself "slide for ole' times' sake," I become consumed by the need to eat sugary foods and carbs. Low-carb is the way to go!

Training for the past couple of weeks has been spotty. I've managed to average 2-a-days - which wouldn't be considered "spotty" by anybody's standards - but I have failed to consistently follow my bodyweight training. I consider the P-90X workouts to be the bedrock of my training and yet it's the first thing to get dropped when I'm too tired from previous workouts in the day. I guess the failure is due to poor time management. It seems logical not to do the hardest workout after two hard workouts earlier in the day. The plan has always been to do fasted cardio first thing upon rising, followed by bodyweight training in the afternoon, followed immediately by light circuit training in the park for 30 minutes as a "finisher." The last two workouts should be done back-to-back making for a sort of "extended" workout. On the days when I'm too tired after my bodyweight workout, I would simply skip the circuit training and rest. Unfortunately, however, I haven't quite followed this plan. After my morning cardio, I don't normally get around to training until quite late in the afternoon, by that time, I'm forced to rush to the park and do the circuits before the park closes. I always do this with the intension of doing the bodyweight workout before bedtime, but alas, this hardly ever happens...I'm just too tired by then.

My goal for the next 5 1/2 weeks is to stick to my training plan exactly with the explicit goal to lose as much weight as is physically possible. The overriding goal is to lose about 22 more pounds and come in at 230 pounds on July 4th. I think this is perfectly feasible.

The goals for week 9 are the following:
1. Perform 1 hour of fasted cardio every morning, followed by 1 hour of bodyweight training every afternoon followed by an optional 30 minute circuit workout.
2. Drink 80 oz of green tea and 6 oz of orange peel tea (twice daily) every day.
3. Weigh 248 lbs by Monday, June 1.

Monday, May 18, 2009

46 Days and Counting...

DAY 134/180
Week 8
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 254.4 lbs - Loss 47.2 - %Loss 15.6%


Only 46 days left and 34.4 pounds to go.

I have lost a little bit of focus this past week. I have not stuck to my training schedule, and though free of "forbidden foods," my diet was not very good. 34.4 pounds in only 46 days is probably very unrealistic, but I want to see just how much weight I can lose if I give my training and diet 110%. Here are is the basic plan I will follow for the next 46 days:

1. Fasted AM training first thing upon waking everyday.
2. P-90X training in the afternoon, immediately followed by park circuits for 30 minutes.

1. Keep calories very low (AM: large breakfast PM: smoothie)
2. Drink 80 oz of green tea + 40 oz of water per day
3. Drink 6 oz of Chin Pi (Orange Peel tea) on an empty stomach every morning

I have only 1 goal for week 8:

1. Weigh 245 pounds by the end of the week.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

7 Weeks

DAY 131/180
Week 7/14
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 254.4 lbs - Loss 47.2 - %Loss 15.6%


Only 7 weeks before July 4th! I'm Nearing the 50 pound weight-loss mark and I feel great!!! I have to lose 35 pounds in 7 weeks. That will require that I lose 5 pounds per week! That wont be easy, but I believe I can do it. Heck, I was 10 pounds heavier just 10 days ago (when I last posted)!

My motivation is very high and I have a laser-like focus right now. It's time to "reset" and go all-out in the next 7 weeks. BOOTCAMP, BABY!!! I can't wait! I've never felt better than I do right now, and some recent compliments from the ladies have only made me more determined to lose the weight. Here are the current pictures and physical stats:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'm BACK, though I've been HERE all along

DAY 121/180
Week 6, Routine 1
Plyo X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 264.6 lbs - Loss 37 - %Loss 12.2%


Sorry for the long hiatus, folks. I've experienced lots of ups and downs since I last posted, but one thing remained: my commitment to this challenge. I have not given up and actually hit a major milestone last week: I hit the 40 pound-loss mark! I hit a low of 260.6 last Friday. Unfortunately, however, I quickly screwed it up by stuffing my face during a friend's birthday party and gaining 6 pounds overnight!

It's now CRUNCH TIME!!! My back is against the wall, but that's when I tend to shine most! I am pulling out all the stops throughout the next 8.5 weeks. I've got a very lofty goal of losing another 40 pounds in that time frame and cannot afford any more setbacks. I'm looking to average a 5 pound/week weight loss. I know this is extreme, but between my 3-a-days training, clean diet, and tea consumption, I should have no problem meeting this challenge.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week 1 Review

DAY 91/180
Phase 1, Week 1, Routine -
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 269 lbs - Loss 32.6 - %Loss 10.8%


I trained my butt off all week and the results show - so far this week, I've managed to lose 7.4 pounds! I also dieted very, very cleanly and trained twice-daily for most of the week. I honestly couldn't have hoped for a better week. About the only dissapointment was my failure to perform all of the P-90X workouts as scheduled, but the reasons for this include various nagging injuries or time constraints.

Overall, I would give the week a rating of 7.5/10.

I'm excited about the kind of progress I can make and am motivated to make even more gains for week #2!

Here are the "positives" from week #1:
*High enthusiasm for training
*Exceeded my weight-loss goal
*Performed 2-a-days Monday-Friday
*Morning Sandbag Complexes were very high intensity

Here are the "negatives" from week #1:
*Failed to perform all P-90X workouts as scheduled
*Did not train arms 3x/week as scheduled (extreme soreness from Sunday's Strongman workout prevented this)
*Did not train according to a set schedule or routine
*Did not track all meals

1. Weigh 270 pounds----MET!
2. Train 2-a-days Monday-Saturday----UNMET(Mon.-Fri.)
3. Meet or exceed the last performance on all P-90X workouts----UNMET
4. Eat at least 5 meals per day-----MOSTLY MET
5. Track all meals----UNMET
6. Consume 250 grams of protein per day----UNKNOWN (Untracked meals)

1. Weigh 265 pounds
2. Train 2-a-days Monday-Saturday [8AM: Sandbag Complexes 5PM: P90-X]
3. Eat at least 5 meals per day
4. Track all meals
5. Consume 250 grams of protein per day
6. Perform 3 arm routines and 2 sandbag squat routines
7. Perform Hill Sprints & Park Circuits at least 2 times

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week 1 Goals

DAY 84/180
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 273.6 lbs - Loss 28 - %Loss 9.3%


O.K., so the 14 Week Challenge begins tomorrow! I'm already off to a great start having lost 7 pounds this week already! Some simple math tells me that, if I manage to average a loss of 3 pounds per week, I could weigh nearly 230 pounds by July 4th making for a total loss of nearly 72 pounds in 6 months! Not bad.

So, without further adieau, here are the goals I want to achieve for week 1:

1. Weigh 270 pounds.
2. Train 2-a-days Monday-Saturday.
3. Meet or exceed the last performance on all P-90X workouts.
4. Eat at least 5 meals per day.
5. Track all meals.
6. Consume 250 grams of protein per day.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sandbag Training is Awesome!!!

DAY 80/90
Phase 3, Week 12, Routine -

Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 276.6 lbs - Loss 25 - %Loss 8.29%


Had two amazing sandbag workouts today. For my fasted AM workout, I did sandbag tosses and sprints for 30 minutes - a great metabolic workout. It felt great! Being outdoors, a beautiful day in South Florida...I couldn't have been happier.

For my PM workout, Rob and I had an absolutely amazing sandbag workout with the heavy bag - lovingly dubbed "Big Mamma" - for over 1.5 hours! We did everything from Bear squats, shoulder squats and lunges, to Clean and Presses and more! I couldn't believe what an amazing training tool the sandbag is. There are an infinite possibility of exercises you can do and the dynamic, shifting motion of the sand makes for incredible full-body workouts. The "dead weight" nature of a heavy sandbag makes even small weights feel like they're much heavier and sandbags are also great for grip training (I can hardly make a fist after tonight's workout). And the best part? Sandbags are cheap! Where else can you get 200 pounds of resistance for only $9? This is classic Strongman training! I love it!


14 Week Plan

I am inspired! I've realized my recent setback has not really derailed my goals. In fact, I've already lost 4 pounds since Monday and am now at the same weight I was when I got back with my ex - the start of all my troubles.

I say I'm inspired because there are still over 14 weeks left before July 4th and, given my current weight, I see no problem coming in at 235 pounds or better; a mere 15 pounds off of my original (and possibly unrealistic) goal of 220 pounds. But more importantly than the weight, I thought about the amazing improvements I can make in my strength and conditioning. I wondered: Hmmm...just how good a physique can I develop in 14 weeks of focused, intense training and dieting?

So this will be my goal: to apply the same training and diet philosophies in a more focused manner for the next 14 weeks. It really is just doing the same things I began doing but with the intensity and laser-like focus I had originally strived for, but lost over time. Looking back at those first six weeks, I realized that I was working my way towards a downfall even before I met my ex-girlfriend. To use a favorite phrase: I let the edges "blur." This is normally the first symptom of a lack of motivation and the first indication that - if left unaddressed - major problems will unfold. For instance, I was never able to truly "dial-in" my diet. I struggled to eat six meals per day and my calories dropped dangerously low. I also failed to include enough fruits and vegetables. As for training, I noticed that I began to train mechanically without any real goals to propel me. Training was a daily chore and one I would put off doing as much as possible. As I read my old blog posts, I notice that I tended to train very late into the evening, often training before bed - when I was most tired.

As a whole, it seems, that though I was consistent in my training and diet, they simply were not optimal. I was cutting myself short by cutting so many corners. I failed to implement the right combination of discipline and routine to make my efforts truly effective. What then if I make such a concerted effort over the next 14 weeks? Just what will I be able to achieve?

Here, then, is my 14 week plan:


1. Train 2-a-days Monday - Saturday. Use Sundays to stretch and recuperate.
AM Workout: 30 minutes fasted sandbag complexes and sprints.
PM Workout: P90-X + Strongman or beach walk for an hour (I may alternate Strongman with Circuit Runs at the park). I should schedule the
P90-X and Strongman/Cardio workouts back-to-back in order to prevent turning it into 3-a-days.

2. Set goals for every workout. Set long-term training goals.

3. Set intensity goals for every workout. Strive for maximum intensity in every workout.


1. Limit calories to 2300 kcal per day.

2. Eat six small meals per day.

3. Include at least 3 servings of vegetables per day.

4. Drink 1 gallon of water/green tea per day.

5. Take 3 Tbsp of fish oil per day.

As you can see, this isn't at all different from my initial plan. The only difference will be on strictly adhering to this plan. My goal is not to waiver from doing these things for the next 14 weeks. I'd like to see what being truly committed can really achieve.

Fitness Mode

DAY 79/90
Phase 3, Week 12, Routine -

Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 279.4 lbs - Loss 22.2 - %Loss 7.4%


Today I felt surprisingly good about myself. I understood that there will be ups and downs in this process of adapting to a new life-long lifestyle. Setbacks are natural and to be expected. Strangely, I got right back into a "fitness mode" mentality. It helped that the scale read 279.4 this morning too.

My morning sandbag workout went great. I trained for a solid 30 minutes alternating between running sandbag tosses and sprints. My cold seemed to have gotten worse last night and I had a hard time falling asleep because of a nasty cough. This morning, a runny nose had me blowing "snot rockets" throughout the entire workout. This was good, though as the hard training helped me clear my sinuses. I actually felt very good the rest of the day.

I chose to skip the evening workout as I felt sick, tired, and felt it best to ease back into training. I'm actually OK with this. I felt like I took positive steps in the right direction today and I'm happy about that.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I've Screwed Up

DAY 78/90
Phase 3, Week 12, Routine -

Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 280.6 lbs - Loss 20 - %Loss 6.63%


I've messed up. I've really messed things up. I knew that getting back with my ex would derail my efforts, but thinking with "my other head" led me astray as always. It's been 5 weeks since I got back with her, and I managed to train - really train - for only 1 of those 5 weeks. The rest of the time, I'm sad to say, was spent battling a nagging case of the flu/cold and indulging in bad food. I take some measure of comfort in the fact that exercise (or the lack thereof) was constantly on my mind. I persisitently beat myself up about not training, turning my diet to shit, and failing to post to my blog. I cursed myself for breaking that wonderful routine I had followed for 6 straight weeks only to now waste my days with a woman I've struggled to get out of my life for nearly two years.

We go together like oil and water. Together, we make a toxic blend that benefits neither one. It is a relationship of convenience and co-dependency. And we bring out only the worst in each other. The only thing that keeps us together is the sizzling sexual chemistry we share. She, a HOT 40-year-old mother of two in her sexual prime. Me, a 33-year-old douchebag with a hyperactive sexual drive. Mix us together and the sparks fly! I now see why Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are still together.

But our getting together was only one in a long series of failures. You see, we had both made a New Year's pact to end our relationship for good. But willpower faltered after only less than two months. This set off a chain reaction with me first coming down with the flu (courtesy our first kiss) during the week of February 16th - week #7 in my training program. I "copped out" by choosing not to train that week in order to let my health improve. Next, I reasoned: "Well, it would be bad to calorie-restrict myself while sick, right? Soooooo...I think all the wholesome milk and eggs that went into making that chocolate cake will do me plenty of good. Have at it!!!"

This was all it took to throw me off my rhythm. What has made it all the more difficult is the fact that a major goal of my program was that I stay the course for the entire 6 months. That is, that I never miss a workout or cheat on my diet. This is obviously no longer possible: I've now done both. To compound matters, I got naseous while attempting to train at the park last Friday the 13th (figures, huh?) and I've been sick with nagging cold symptoms ever since. It's gotten to the point where I'm getting real concerned about my health and am wondering if it's even a cold at all. I've just spend the last 2 hours searching the internet for similar symptoms and have eliminated everything from strep throat to Lyme disease! I may have to man-up and go to the doctor if this persists much longer.

But now back to my training. What do I do now? I attempted a sandbag workout this afternoon with my training buddy, Rob, but felt excessively tired afterward.

I wanted to follow that up with another session at home, but I was too tired to even attempt it.

The one bright spot in all this? That would be the fact I gained only 5 pounds after nearly two weeks of pigging out! I couldn't believe the scale this morning!

Still, how do you get back on the horse when the horse is dragging you with your boot caught in the stirrup? I gained hope with the words Rob said to me today: "You only fail if you give up." The fact is, there is still enough time to get very close to my goal weight come July 4th.

I am faced with a very simple choice: go back, or keep moving forward despite the setback. Simple indeed.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sick Again!

Sorry for not posting lately, folks. It seems that I'm "under the weather" again. It's a consequence of dating a woman with two school-aged children who seem to always bring home some kind of bug or virus with them. She's been unable to kick a terrible cough and I've been feeling run-down and ragged since Friday. I don't feel sick, per se, but everytime I try to train, my energy gets sapped from me and I spend the rest of the day feeling week and naseous. Just today, I went for a training circuit at the park, and had to stop 10 minutes into it. I've begun downing mega-doses of vitamin C in the hopes this thing will go away. I will update as soon as I get better!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 59 - Three-a-Days!!!

DAY 59/90
Phase 3, Week 9, Routine 3
Shoulder & Arms & Abs & Neck
Intensity: 9
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 278 lbs - Loss 23.6 - %Loss 7.82%


Great training day today. I actually trained 3 times today, and I still have energy for some more! I feel great!

I bested my previous performance on sandbag complexes in the morning. I did 4 full cycles of Bear Sandbag Complexes + C&J Tosses in under 30 minutes. I felt really strong with the sandbags. Later in the afternoon I went on a 1 hour walk/run through the park with my girlfriend. We added sprints up hills, and circuits using exercise stations scattered throughout the park trail. It was awesome! Lastly, I trained Shoulders and Arms in the evening. I moved up in weight, but had to cut things a little short at the end...I was just spent. Soon afterwards, though, I got a second wind and a blast of adrenaline for some reason. I'm still feeling this post-workout rush!

3-a-days are a bit much to expect of myself, but today's training went very, very well. I am pleased with myself.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Week 9 Goals

It may be a little late in the week for this, but better late than never.

My goals for week 9 are as follows:

1. Lose at least 4 pounds. Goal weight: 274

2. Average intensity level of 10 on every workout. Give 100%.

3. Train 2-a-days. AM Workout: 30 min sandbag complexes PM Workout: P90X + walk/run for 1 hr everyday.

4. Eat 6 meals per day seperated by at least 2 hours.

5. Establish daily training/diet/sleep routine. Aim to train at the same time every day, eat at set times, and sleep eight hours daily. Also try to limit time with girlfriend.

6. Yoga: attempt the first balance posture

7. Establish a grip training routine to begin week 10.

Day 58 - Extra Water = More Pounds

DAY 58/90
Phase 3, Week 9, Routine 6
Kenpo X
Intensity: 10
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 279 lbs - Loss 22.6 - %Loss 7.49%


Good day today. Morning sandbag complexes went well and I walked for an hour in the afternoon, followed by an intense Kenpo X workout in the evening. I replaced the Plyo workout with Kenpo because of my ankle. It's now about 90% and the high impact of plyometrics will aggravate it.

Weight went up a couple of pounds, but I think that may be due to the increase in water intake yesterday. I didn't overeat, kept carbs low, and trained well yesterday, so I blame the weight gain on the extra water.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 57 - Start of Phase 3

DAY 57/90
Phase 3, Week 9, Routine 1
Chest & Back
Intensity: 10
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 277.0 lbs - Loss 24.6 - %Loss 8.16%


Had a good start to Phase 3. This phase requires that one put forth a maximum, all-out effort in every workout as it signals the end of the program. In my case, it will signal the end of my first of two rounds through the program.

I will be implementing two-a-day workouts to accelerate weight loss a much as I can. I've built a sandbag for training complexes at a nearby park first thing every morning. I will be doing these before eating breakfast to maximize the fat burn. Nothing like fasted complexes with a heavy sandbag to stoke your metabolism!

I trained sandbags for 30 minutes in the morning, walked a little in the afternoon, and trained chest, back, abs, and neck hard in the evening. Diet was also pretty good, having eaten eggs, tuna, spaghetti and meatballs (very little spaghetti), and my special kefir smoothies.

Lack of Focus, Women, & The Flu

Week 7 was by far the biggest challenge I've yet faced. A spur-of-the-moment decision to visit an ex-girlfriend resulted in us getting back together. This is bad. Very bad. Ours is a mutually destructive relationship based on crippling co-dependency and ravenous, wall-busting fights. As proof of just how bad this woman is for me, as a token of her affection, she gave me a severe case of the flu after our first night together! That put me out of commission all of week 7. It would have been worse, much worse, had it not been for the fact that I barely ate while sick and lost an astounding 9 pounds in one week - allowing me to meet my weight loss goals for the month!

Still, I regret ever showing up at her front door. We do nothing but waste entire days lounging and talking - not-to-mention our fondness for food and inactivity, and together we are a perfect recipe for disaster. We derail each others' lives and I fear she may derail my goals if I'm not careful.

To be honest, I can't blame all the missed workouts on her or influenza, however. I used the time as an excuse to "detrain" a bit - get away from daily training for a little while with the hopes I'd come back better and stronger for week 8. Unfortunately, week 8 didn't turn out much better. I trained maybe 2 or 3 days the entire week preferring instead to waste my days with her. I also cheated on my diet several times. Luckily, never enough to actually gain any significant weight. Still, the fact I've eaten these forbidden foods means I've already failed to meet my goal of eating clean 100% of the time for 6 months. Also, the fact I missed so many workouts without an illness to blame it on, has affected me strongly.

Phase 3 of the program began this week (week 9) and I'm committed to getting back on track. In fact, yesterday, I noticed a large increase in strength. I managed to do 25 perfect push-ups - something I've never been able to do before. So, it seems the time off wasn't entirely bad, but I'm more concerned about the harm it's done psychologically. Having gotten away from my rythm, how do I find a way to recapture it? My entire program was based on never missing a workout or cheating on my diet regardless of the excuse. Now, how do I continue after my streak has ended?

I realized today that this is all part and parcel to making fitness a lifestyle and not just something you do in fits and spurts. You have to overcome the tendency to return to old, familiar behavior and fight the loss of focus and motivation that often happens when you're working towards something difficult and worthwhile. In my case, I simply have too much riding on it to fail. I cannot face family, friends, and you guys if I did fail. Deep down, the desire is still there. There remains that unflinching internal conviction that my goals WILL BE MET! It is a drive bigger than myself pushing me, even dragging me along this path to personal growth. The time has come for me to climb my "Everest." So what if I stayed at a camp on my way to the summit for a couple of weeks? At least I didn't climb back down the mountain. Now is time to strap my gear on and prepare myself for the remaining climb that lies ahead. I can see the peaks off in the distance and I know I will get there with continued diligence.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 53 - Been Sick with the Flu

DAY 53/90
Phase 2, Week 8, Routine 6
Kenpo X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 278.8 lbs - Loss 22.8 - %Loss 7.56%


Hey guys...was sick with flu all week last week. Still haven't completely gotten over the bug. Funny thing is, nothing is better for weight loss than the flu virus! I lost a ton of weight last week!

I'll post a complete update tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 43 - Crappy Day

DAY 43/90
Phase 2, Week 7, Routine 1
Chest & Shoulders & Triceps & Ab Ripper X
Intensity: 6
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 283.8 lbs - Loss 17.8 - %Loss 5.90%


Crappy day today. Got back with my ex-girlfriend and frittered the entire day away with her today. Got home at 4AM and attempted a half-hearted workout. Cut it short because I was too tired. Not pleased with myself. Weight is still pouring off.

On the positive side, in all, I lost 6 pounds last week!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 42 - Eating too Little

DAY 42/90
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 7
Stretch X
Intensity: 9
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 284.8 lbs - Loss 16.8 - %Loss 5.57%


Good day today. Didn't run/walk again to let the ankle's feeling about 90% now. I can walk on it without limping. I was talking to a friend who suffered a similar ankle injury and, according to him, he suffered a completely torn ligament. He described the symptoms and how he injured himself, and I'm beginning to believe I also tore a ligament. This injury happened over 10 years ago and I tend to aggravate it every time I take up exercise.

I'm eating too little food. I can't believe I just said that, but I averaged under 1800 calories this week. That's just not enough food. Weight loss is going steady, though. I've lost 5 pounds this week alone.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 41 - Oh, Vodka Redbulls - Ahhh!!!

DAY 41/90
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 6
Kenpo X
Intensity: 5
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 285 lbs - Loss 16.6 - %Loss 5.50%


Not the best day today. I caved in a little and had a couple of drinks with friends. I had a Vodka Tonic and a Vodka Red Bull at a [clears throat awkwardly] "gentlemen's club." It was something of a Valentine's Day celebration and so I indulged a little.

When I got home late at night I attempted the Kenpo workout - and managed to do about half of it - before cutting it short due to pain in my ankle. I decided I should let the ankle rest instead.

I'm glad I kept hacking away at it and didn't take the easy way out by not training at all. However, I wish I had done more.

On a more positive note, I weighed in at 285 this morning, making for a nearly 5 pound loss of weight this week alone!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 40 - Aggravated Ankle Injury

DAY 40/90
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 5
Legs & Back & Ab Ripper X
Intensity: 7
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 286 lbs - Loss 15.6 - %Loss 5.17%


Another tough day today. The past couple of days have been a real test. It seems that yesterday's yoga aggravated an old ankle injury I suffered over 10 years ago while playing racquetball. I woke up this morning limping badly and barely able to walk. I made an effort to do my daily run/walk on the beach, but had to cut that short because of the pain. On the way home, I decided I had to train around the "injury" and thought to settle for a few sets of arm curls and call it a day. I decided against this for fear that it would derail my efforts. I chose to find a way to confront the pain and strive to do my best. I'm glad to say I did this. What would have been a half-a*sed workout, turn out to be a pretty good one. I rated the workout's intensity a '7' because I only managed to do half the scheduled workout because the pain was too intense. It seems, too, that this may have been good for my ankle, as I found I was able to walk around with less pain after training.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 39 - Great Yoga Today

DAY 39/90
Phase 2, Week 6, Routine 4
Yoga X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 286.8 lbs - Loss 14.8 - %Loss 4.91%


I've busted my butt working on my truck all day...needless to say, I was in absolutely no mood to train when I got home today. It was a classic "stare at the cozy bed calling your name" or dig deep and get to business situation. I'm glad I made the latter choice. I didn't think I had the strength for rigorous yoga, but not only did I have the strength, I had one of the best yoga workouts ever!!! Funny how that works...