Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 8 - I Totally "Brought it" Today!

DAY 8/90
Phase 1, Week 2, Routine 1
Chest & Back
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296 lbs - Loss 5.6 - %Loss 1.8%


The P-90X videos always begin by urging the viewer to "Bring It." And, I'm glad to say, today I did just that. I couldn't be more pleased with my performance! I stuck right with it and completed the entire workout and took one step towards meeting a goal to complete all resistance workouts in full this week in the process.

I did have to pause a few times, but overall the effort was intense. I was actually surprised that I could do a couple of the more difficult push-ups such as decline push-ups and divebombers.

I walked the beach again for an hour as a mild cardio workout. I had hoped to do laps in the pool, but it was still under repair and I thought twice about swimming in the ocean after reading about three Australian swimmers attacked by sharks this week!

I didn't forget to do my ab exercises nor my neck crunches. When I was finished, I was soaked in sweat and totally beat. I felt awesome!!

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