Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 24 - Dropped 2 Pounds!!!

DAY 24/90
Phase 1, Week 4, Routine 3
Kenpo X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 292 lbs - Loss 9.6 - %Loss 3.18%


I lost two pounds! Wow! I couldn't believe the scale this morning. It seems like that smoothie really worked!

Training was a little scaled back. Originally had planned to train the Prowler with Rob, but he came down with a cold and we were both still reeling from the previous workout. Instead we ran/walked on the beach for an hour. Afterwards, I did the complete Kenpo X workout. It went well, but I held back a little due to sharp pains in my right knee. This seems due to growing pains as my body adapts to exercise.

Diet was again clean, but the quantity of food I'm eating seems excessively low. I barely got 2000 calories today.

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