Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 13 - Stones on the Beach!

DAY 13/90
Phase 1, Week 2, Routine 6
Kenpo X
Weight Loss Stats:
Weight 296.2 lbs - Loss 5.4 - %Loss 1.8%


Incredibly enough, yet another day where the scale hasn't budged an ounce. I've never seen this happen before. Bodyweight is supposed to fluctuate naturally by as much as 3 pounds every day. I'm beginning to wonder if there's something wrong with my scale.

Training went very well. I lifted strongman stones on the beach with my friend, Robert in the afternoon, and did Kenpo X in the evening. The stones were awesome! I especially liked the way tourists would stop and stare at these two big dudes lifting a heavy-ass stone for reps right on the sand! Strongman training is where it's at!

Kenpo X kicked my butt. It's all cardio and lots of fun. I was so tired that I had to stop training with about 10 minutes left to go.

Also noticed that my pants fit a little looser today. A good sign?

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